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[英]Extend the existing Windows app expired certificate

One of our windows 8.1 app got its certificate expired and we are not able to generate new builds.Is there a way to extend the same certificate for upcoming builds. 我们的一个Windows 8.1应用程序的证书过期了,我们无法生成新的版本,是否可以为以后的版本扩展相同的证书。

Right now i tried with post-build event and couldn't achieve the same. 现在,我尝试了构建后事件,但无法实现相同目标。

if $(SolutionName) == Installer ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\signtool.exe" sign /fd SHA256 /a /f "$(ProjectDir)..\..\Build\CodeSigning.pfx" /tr http://tsa.starfieldtech.com "$(TargetDir)AppPackages\my_app\my_app.appxbundle")

Refernce Add timestamp to signed AppX bundle 向已签名的AppX捆绑包添加时间戳记

In this post build which certificate to be mapped. 在本文中,构建要映射的证书。 Expired certificate or a new certificate 证书过期或新证书

Note: There is an option to add new certificate but it changes the app "Package family name" . 注意:有一个添加新证书的选项,但是它更改了应用程序“ Package family name” I don'n need to change my package family name since the data in old package is needed. 我不需要更改我的软件包家族名称,因为需要旧软件包中的数据。

The Package Family Name (PFN) consists of two parts, Package Family Name (PFN)包含两部分,

The first is the Package name you choose. 第一个是您选择的包名称。

The second is a hash of the Publisher name, which is the Publisher field of the signing certificate. 第二个是发布者名称的哈希,它是签名证书的发布者字段。

So when renewing the signing certificate, make sure the new cert's Publisher stays the same, then the Package Family Name won't change. 因此,在更新签名证书时,请确保新证书的发布者保持不变,然后软件包族名称不会更改。



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