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React Native中未处理的承诺拒绝

[英]Unhandled promise rejection in react native

I have a warning of unhandled promise rejection and undefined is not an object evaluating to this.state.gridData[0].brand 我警告未处理的承诺被拒绝,并且undefined不是评估this.state.gridData [0] .brand的对象

there is something wrong with this part of the code 这部分代码有问题

 async componentDidMount() { const bikes = await fetchVehicleBasedOnType(VEHICLE_TYPES.TWO_WHEELER); this.setState({ bikes }); const gridData = _.uniqBy(bikes, 'brand').map((K) => { return { brand: K.brand, logo: K.brand_logo }; }); this.setState({ gridData, selectedBikeBrand: this.state.gridData[0].brand, selectedBikeBrandLogo: this.state.gridData[0].logo, loading: false }); const listData = bikes .filter(item => item.brand === this.selectedBrand) .map(({ model, image }) => ({ model, modellogo: image })); this.setState({ listData }); } 

can someone suggests the edits and fixes to make this code better.. 有人可以建议修改和修复以使此代码更好。

You're not assigning gridData to this.state , so presumably this.state.gridData is undefined . 您没有将gridData分配给this.state ,因此假定this.state.gridDataundefined Just remove the usage of this.state . 只需删除this.state的用法this.state You should also check to make sure that gridData isn't empty before trying to access properties on gridData[0] . 在尝试访问gridData[0]属性之前,还应该检查以确保gridData不为空。

const gridData = _.uniqBy(bikes, 'brand').map((K) => {
    return { brand: K.brand, logo: K.brand_logo };

const firstItem = gridData[0] || { };

    selectedBikeBrand: firstItem.brand,
    selectedBikeBrandLogo: firstItem.logo,
    loading: false

设置状态时,您具有girdData [0] .brand。

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