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[英]Possible unhandled promise rejection in react-native

I'm using following code which produce "Possible unhandled promise rejection": 我正在使用以下代码,产生“可能的未处理的承诺拒绝”:


    DatabaseHandler.getInstance().getItems(function (items) {
            console.log(items)//successfully print data
            this.setState({inventoryArray: items}).bind(this)//causing error

Though, following code runs successfully and prints response in log: 但是,以下代码成功运行并在日志中打印响应:

        DatabaseHandler.getInstance().getItems(function (items) {
            console.log(items)//Successfully print data

How to resolve this error? 如何解决这个错误?

Typically, its a bad idea to make asynchronous calls in the constructor of the component. 通常,在组件的constructor中进行异步调用是一个坏主意。 Instead, I would recommend that you make these calls from the componentDidMount as follows 相反,我建议您按以下方式从componentDidMount进行这些调用

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    DatabaseHandler.getInstance().getItems(function (items) {
        console.log(items)//Successfully print data
        this.setState({ inventoryArray: items });

More about how to use the constructor in the official React docs 在官方的React文档中更多关于如何使用constructor 的信息

You could also remove bind and use arrow function so this keeps the context in your component. 你也可以删除bind ,并使用箭头功能,因此this保持在组件的上下文。

constructor(props) {

  DatabaseHandler.getInstance().getItems((items) => {
    console.log(items)//successfully print data
    this.setState({inventoryArray: items})

Also, your .bind(this) is in the wrong place. 另外,您的.bind(this)在错误的位置。 It should be placed in the outer } (where you close function ) 它应该放在外部} (关闭function

constructor(props) {

  DatabaseHandler.getInstance().getItems(function (items) {
    this.setState({inventoryArray: items})
  }.bind(this)) // bind should come here

Making api requests in the constructor is a bad pattern though. 但是,在构造函数中发出api请求是一种错误的模式。 ReactJS Docs mentions that componentDidMount is the recommended place to do so. ReactJS Docs提到了componentDidMount是推荐这样做的地方。

class YourComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      inventoryArray: [],

  componentDidMount() {
    DatabaseHandler.getInstance().getItems((items) => {
      console.log(items)//successfully print data
      this.setState({inventoryArray: items})

Making following changes solved this issue: 进行以下更改可以解决此问题:

 constructor(props) {
        this.onGetInventories = this.onGetInventories.bind(this)

        //Loading inventory list from server

    onGetInventories(items) {
        this.setState({inventoryArray: items})//Works

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