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Possible unhandled promise rejection in react-native

I'm using following code which produce "Possible unhandled promise rejection":


    DatabaseHandler.getInstance().getItems(function (items) {
            console.log(items)//successfully print data
            this.setState({inventoryArray: items}).bind(this)//causing error

Though, following code runs successfully and prints response in log:

        DatabaseHandler.getInstance().getItems(function (items) {
            console.log(items)//Successfully print data

How to resolve this error?

Typically, its a bad idea to make asynchronous calls in the constructor of the component. Instead, I would recommend that you make these calls from the componentDidMount as follows

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    DatabaseHandler.getInstance().getItems(function (items) {
        console.log(items)//Successfully print data
        this.setState({ inventoryArray: items });

More about how to use the constructor in the official React docs

You could also remove bind and use arrow function so this keeps the context in your component.

constructor(props) {

  DatabaseHandler.getInstance().getItems((items) => {
    console.log(items)//successfully print data
    this.setState({inventoryArray: items})

Also, your .bind(this) is in the wrong place. It should be placed in the outer } (where you close function )

constructor(props) {

  DatabaseHandler.getInstance().getItems(function (items) {
    this.setState({inventoryArray: items})
  }.bind(this)) // bind should come here

Making api requests in the constructor is a bad pattern though. ReactJS Docs mentions that componentDidMount is the recommended place to do so.

class YourComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      inventoryArray: [],

  componentDidMount() {
    DatabaseHandler.getInstance().getItems((items) => {
      console.log(items)//successfully print data
      this.setState({inventoryArray: items})

Making following changes solved this issue:

 constructor(props) {
        this.onGetInventories = this.onGetInventories.bind(this)

        //Loading inventory list from server

    onGetInventories(items) {
        this.setState({inventoryArray: items})//Works

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