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[英]Permission denied when running `mkdir` inside of a Docker container

I am using Docker Compose to run several containers, including one with a Postgres image. 我使用Docker Compose运行几个容器,包括一个带Postgres图像的容器。 I am attempting to add a volume to that container to persist my data across container builds. 我正在尝试向该容器添加一个卷,以便在容器构建中保留我的数据。 However, I am receiving an error when it tries to create a directory for this volume within the container. 但是,当它尝试在容器中为此卷创建目录时,我收到错误。

I run: 我跑:

docker-compose build

then 然后

docker-compose up

And I receive the following error: 我收到以下错误:

ERROR: for cxbenchmark_db_1 Cannot start service db: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:265: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:368: container init caused \\"rootfs_linux.go:57: mounting \\\\"/var/lib/docker/volumes/69845a017b4465e9122852a75ca194db473df95fa218658b8a60fb56eba9be9e/_data\\\\" to rootfs \\\\"/var/lib/docker/overlay2/627956d63fb0480448079577a83b0b54f83866fdf31136b7c669541c3f672355/merged\\\\" at \\\\"/var/lib/docker/overlay2/627956d63fb0480448079577a83b0b54f83866fdf31136b7c669541c3f672355/merged/var/lib/postgresql/data\\\\" caused \\\\"mkdir /var/lib/docker/overlay2/627956d63fb0480448079577a83b0b54f83866fdf31136b7c669541c3f672355/merged/var/lib/postgresql/data: permission denied\\\\"\\"" 错误:对于cxbenchmark_db_1无法启动服务db:oci运行时错误:container_linux.go:265:启动容器进程导致“process_linux.go:368:容器init导致”rootfs_linux.go:57:mount \\\\“/ var / lib /泊坞窗/卷/ 69845a017b4465e9122852a75ca194db473df95fa218658b8a60fb56eba9be9e / _data \\\\ “来根文件系统\\\\ ”的/ var / lib中/泊坞窗/ overlay2 / 627956d63fb0480448079577a83b0b54f83866fdf31136b7c669541c3f672355 /合并\\\\“ 在\\\\” 的/ var / lib中/泊坞窗/ overlay2 / 627956d63fb0480448079577a83b0b54f83866fdf31136b7c669541c3f672355 /合并的/ var / lib中/ postgresql / data \\\\“cause \\\\”mkdir / var / lib / docker / overlay2 / 627956d63fb0480448079577a83b0b54f83866fdf31136b7c669541c3f672355 / merged / var / lib / postgresql / data:permission denied \\\\“\\”“

My full docker-compose.yml looks like this (note the service called db where the volume is defined): 我的完整docker-compose.yml看起来像这样(注意名为db的服务,其中定义了卷):

version: '3'  

    image: nginx:latest
      - 80:8000
      - ./src:/src
      - ./config/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d
      - ./src/static:/static
      - web

    build: .
    command: bash -c "python manage.py makemigrations && python manage.py migrate && gunicorn cx_benchmark.wsgi -b"
      - db
      - ./src:/src
      - ./src/static:/static
      - 8000

    image: postgres:latest
      - /private/var/lib/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql
      - 5432:5432

Any ideas for how to solve? 有关如何解决的任何想法?

The error you are seeing is not a problem (necessarily) with the explicit volume bind mount in your compose file, but rather with the VOLUME declaration in the main postgres official Docker image Dockerfile : 你看到的错误不一定是你的compose文件中显式卷绑定挂载的问题,而是主postgres官方Docker镜像DockerfileVOLUME声明:

VOLUME /var/lib/postgresql/data

Since you haven't provided a mount-point for this directory (but rather the parent), the docker engine is creating a local volume and then trying to mount that volume into your already bind-mounted location and getting a permissions error. 由于您尚未为此目录(而是父目录)提供挂载点,因此docker引擎正在创建本地卷,然后尝试将该卷装入已绑定装入的位置并获取权限错误。

For clarity, here is the volume the docker engine created for you: 为清楚起见,这是docker引擎为您创建的卷:


And here is the directory location at which it is trying to bind mount that dir; 这是目录位置,它尝试绑定mount dir; on top of your bind mount from /private/var/lib/postgresql : /private/var/lib/postgresql bind挂载之上:

mkdir /var/lib/docker/overlay2/627956d63fb0480448079577a83b0b54f83866fdf31136b7c669541c3f672355/merged/var/lib/postgresql/data: permission denied

Now, I think the reason this is failing is that you may have turned on user namespaces in your Docker engine (" userns-remap " flag/setting) such that the container doesn't have permissions to create a directory in that root-owned location on your host. 现在,我认为失败的原因是你可能在Docker引擎中打开了用户命名空间(“ userns-remap ”标志/设置),这样容器就没有权限在root拥有的内创建一个目录在您的主机上的位置。 Barring that, the only other option is that the postgres container is starting as a non-root user, but I don't see anything in your compose file or the official Dockerfile for the latest release that uses the USER directive. 除此之外,唯一的另一个选择是postgres容器以非root用户身份启动,但我没有在compose文件或使用USER指令的最新版本的官方Dockerfile看到任何内容。

As an aside, since you are ending up with double-volumes because your bind mount doesn't match the VOLUME specifier in the postgres Dockerfile , you could change your compose file to mount to /var/lib/postgresql/data and get around that extra volume being created. Dockerfile ,由于你的绑定挂载与postgres Dockerfile中的VOLUME说明符不匹配,因此你最终会出现双卷,你可以将你的compose文件更改为挂载到/var/lib/postgresql/data并绕过那个正在创建额外的卷。 Especially if you expect your DB data to end up in /private/var/lib/postgresql , as it may be surprising to find it isn't there, but rather in the /var/lib/docker/volumes/.. location. 特别是如果您希望您的数据库数据最终在/private/var/lib/postgresql ,因为它可能会令人惊讶地发现它不在那里,而是在/var/lib/docker/volumes/..位置。

Based on https://github.com/docker/compose/issues/4039 , common fixes are: 基于https://github.com/docker/compose/issues/4039 ,常见的修复方法是:

  • Restarting the docker service 重新启动docker服务
  • Running docker-compose as sudo 运行docker-compose as sudo

I'm able to get this working: 我能够做到这一点:

  • sudo mkdir /private/lib/postgresql

  • docker-compose up

With the following docker-compose.yml: 使用以下docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'  

    image: nginx:latest
      - 80:8000
    image: postgres:latest
      - /private/var/lib/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql
      - 5432:5432

I'm sorry I haven't been more help! 对不起,我没有得到更多的帮助!

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