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UInt8数组Swift到const char * C

[英]UInt8 Array Swift to const char* C

I have the following function 我有以下功能

public func encryptWithRSAKey(_ data: String, rsaKeyRef: SecKey, padding: SecPadding) -> [UInt8]? {

    let blockSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(rsaKeyRef)
    var messageEncrypted = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: blockSize)
    var messageEncryptedSize = blockSize

    var status: OSStatus!

    status = SecKeyEncrypt(rsaKeyRef, SecPadding.OAEP, data, data.count, &messageEncrypted, &messageEncryptedSize)

    if status != noErr {
        print("\(logClassName): Encryption Error!")

    return messageEncrypted


the output is encryptedMessage = [9,43,128...] 128 length 输出为加密消息= [9,43,128 ...] 128长度

and I have to send the result into a C function 我必须将结果发送到C函数

void STDCALL CpProxyAvOpenhomeOrgCredentials1BeginSet(THandle aHandle, const char* aId, const char* aUserName, const char* aPassword, uint32_t aPasswordLen, OhNetCallbackAsync aCallback, void* aPtr)
    CpProxyAvOpenhomeOrgCredentials1C* proxyC = reinterpret_cast<CpProxyAvOpenhomeOrgCredentials1C*>(aHandle);
    ASSERT(proxyC != NULL);
    Brh buf_aId(aId);
    Brh buf_aUserName(aUserName);
    Brh buf_aPassword;
    buf_aPassword.Set((const TByte*)aPassword, aPasswordLen);
    FunctorAsync functor = MakeFunctorAsync(aPtr, (OhNetFunctorAsync)aCallback);
    proxyC->BeginSet(buf_aId, buf_aUserName, buf_aPassword, functor);

What is the way for encoding messageEncrypted in swift to const char* aPassword in C 将消息编码的方式是什么?在C中快速加密为const char * aPassword

AC function AC功能

void cfunc(const char* aPassword, uint32_t aPasswordLen);

is imported to Swift as 导入为Swift作为

public func cfunc(_ aPassword: UnsafePointer<Int8>!, _ aPasswordLen: UInt32)

For an array, withUnsafeBufferPointer() gives you a pointer to the (contiguous) element storage. 对于数组, withUnsafeBufferPointer()为您提供一个指向(连续)元素存储的指针。 Due to the different signedness (Int8 vs UInt8), the pointer must be "rebound". 由于签名不同(Int8与UInt8),指针必须为“反弹”。 Example: 例:

let encryptedMessage: [UInt8] = [9, 43, 128]

encryptedMessage.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
    $0.baseAddress!.withMemoryRebound(to: Int8.self, capacity: encryptedMessage.count) {
        cfunc($0, UInt32(encryptedMessage.count))

I prefer this approach: 我更喜欢这种方法:

If I have: 如果我有:

let uint8ArrayVar:[UInt8]= [0,3,4,5]

If i want to sent it throught my c function I just do: 如果我想通过我的c函数发送它,我就这样做:

cfunc(uint8ArrayVar.map { Int8(bitPattern: $0) })

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