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在 Julia 中重新解释指针

[英]Reinterpreting Pointers in Julia

I have some C++ code that has existing python bindings, and I am trying to graft it on to Julia using PyCall.我有一些具有现有 python 绑定的 C++ 代码,我正在尝试使用 PyCall 将它移植到 Julia。 One of the functions that gets called generates a pointer to a 2D array in memory to which I would like to wrap a Julia array around so that I can add/subtract/multiply by scalars, etc. I know the size of the array, and it's currently represented as a PyObject to which I can do x_ptr[1] , x_ptr[2] and get correct values out.被调用的函数之一在内存中生成一个指向二维数组的指针,我想将 Julia 数组包装到该数组中,以便我可以添加/减去/乘以标量等。我知道数组的大小,并且它目前表示为一个 PyObject,我可以对其执行x_ptr[1]x_ptr[2]并获得正确的值。 But I'd like to have an array, x .但我想要一个数组x

Here's a simple example using numpy array interface .这是一个使用 numpy array interface的简单示例。 By default, PyCall converts numpy arrays to Julia's arrays, but we can prevent that with @pycall and the ::Any annotation to show how you'd do it manually.默认情况下,PyCall 将 numpy 数组转换为 Julia 的数组,但我们可以使用@pycall::Any注释来防止这种情况@pycall ,以显示您如何手动执行此操作。 You need to dig into the object to find that pointer.您需要深入研究对象以找到该指针。

julia> obj = @pycall numpy.reshape(numpy.arange(20), (4,5))::Any
PyObject array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4],
       [ 5,  6,  7,  8,  9],
       [10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
       [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]])

julia> array_interface = obj.__array_interface__
Dict{Any,Any} with 6 entries:
  "shape"   => (4, 5)
  "strides" => nothing
  "typestr" => "<i8"
  "data"    => (4705395216, false)
  "descr"   => Tuple{String,String}[("", "<i8")]
  "version" => 3

julia> array_interface["data"] # This is the actual pointer!
(4705395216, false)

julia> unsafe_wrap(Matrix{Int}, Ptr{Int}(array_interface["data"][1]), reverse(array_interface["shape"]))
5×4 Array{Int64,2}:
 0  5  10  15
 1  6  11  16
 2  7  12  17
 3  8  13  18
 4  9  14  19

Of course, I don't know how your python object stores its pointer.当然,我不知道你的python 对象是如何存储它的指针的。 You'll have to dig into your Python object to find that pointer yourself.您必须深入研究 Python 对象才能自己找到该指针。

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