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D3 parcoords轴比例未正确更新

[英]D3 parcoords axis scale not updating correctly

I'm using the d3 parcoords library. 我正在使用d3 parcoords库。 When I modify data plotted in a parallel coordinates chart, and reload the chart, the scale of the axis isn't refreshed. 当我修改在平行坐标图中绘制的数据并重新加载该图时,不会刷新轴的比例。

I tried calling .autoscale() , but if I call it before .render() , it has no effect, and if I call it after .render() , then no polylines are drawn anymore. 我打过电话.autoscale()但如果我之前把它.render()它没有任何效果,如果我以后把它.render()则没有折线了绘制。

    $("#example").html(""); //to make sure "ghost" axes are removed

            parcoords = d3.parcoords()("#example")
                .autoscale() //no visible effect if placed here

Not sure if this is related (although the issue started at the same time), I started specifying an order for the dimensions. 不知道这是否相关(尽管问题是同时开始的),我开始为尺寸指定顺序。 To do this, instead of using an array containing the axes ( dimensionArray ), I use a JS object dimensionObj containing numbered "index" keys, as follows: 为此,我使用一个包含编号的“索引”键的JS对象dimensionObj ,而不是使用包含轴的数组( dimensionArray ),如下所示:

//dimensionArray = ["axis1", "axis2", "axis3", "axis4"]; //orderless array

//Default axes to display with predefined ordering
dimensionObj = {
  "axis1": {index:0},
  "axis2": {index:1},
  "axis3": {index:2},
  "axis4": {index:3}

For illustration purposes, the following screenshots show how on the top image, the scales are properly set, but on the second (updated) chart, some new polylines are going to 0 on the 1st and 3rd axis, but the scale isn't updated so lines go out of range. 出于说明目的,以下屏幕截图显示了如何在顶部图像上正确设置比例,但是在第二张(更新的)图表上,一些新的折线在第一轴和第三轴上变为0,但是比例未更新所以线条超出范围。

Is there a simple way to refresh the axis scales when reloading a chart? 重新加载图表时,是否有一种简单的方法来刷新轴刻度? Is it possible that using the JS object in .dimensions() is creating some conflicts with the underlying scale function? .dimensions()中使用JS对象是否可能与基础scale函数产生一些冲突?



Found what was causing this behaviour: an if statement in d3.parcoords.js pc.autoscale function which was only resetting scales if the yscale was not previously defined. 找到了导致此行为的原因:d3.parcoords.js pc.autoscale函数中的if语句,仅在先前未定义yscale下才重置比例。 Essentially I edited the if statement from original: 从本质上讲,我编辑了原始的if语句:

  d3.keys(__.dimensions).forEach(function(k) {
    if (!__.dimensions[k].yscale){
      __.dimensions[k].yscale = defaultScales[__.dimensions[k].type](k);

to this (of course the if statement could be dropped altogether, I simply kept it in this form in case I need to revert to original version later for any reason): 为此(当然可以完全删除if语句,我只是以这种形式保留了它,以防万一我出于某种原因以后需要恢复到原始版本):

  d3.keys(__.dimensions).forEach(function(k) {
    if (!__.dimensions[k].yscale || __.dimensions[k].yscale){
      __.dimensions[k].yscale = defaultScales[__.dimensions[k].type](k);

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