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[英]QML: How to custom a component and use it in same file

Is there some syntax in QML to define and use a component in same file like this? QML 中是否有一些语法可以像这样在同一个文件中定义和使用组件?

import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Window 2.2

var MyButton = Rectangle { width : 100; height : 60; color : "red" } // define it

Window {
    visible: true
    MyButton // use it

You can't really use an inline component directly, but you could use a loader:您不能真正直接使用内联组件,但可以使用加载器:

Component {
  id: btn
  Button { width = 100; height = 60; background = "red" }

Loader {
  sourceComponent: btn

Another downside is this way you cannot directly specify properties for the created object.另一个缺点是这样你不能直接为创建的对象指定属性。

You can also use the component as a delegate for views and repeaters and such.您还可以将组件用作视图和中继器等的委托。

This is IMO one of the big omissions of QML.这是 IMO QML 的一大遗漏。

Update: I just noticed this answer a bit out of date.更新:我只是注意到这个答案有点过时了。 Qt has had inline components for a while. Qt 内联组件已经有一段时间了。 Keep in mind they still have many bugs, there's stuff that will work in a regular component that will not work in an inlined one, especially around inline component properties in other inline components, property aliases and such.请记住,它们仍然存在许多错误,有些东西可以在常规组件中工作,而在内联组件中不起作用,尤其是在其他内联组件中的内联组件属性、属性别名等方面。 If you get some weird behavior, just remember to test it out standalone as well:如果您遇到一些奇怪的行为,请记住也要独立测试它:

component Custom : Item { ...new stuff... }
... in the same source
Custom { }

Also note that it has to be put inside some qml object, it cannot be just a source code global as with JS files.另请注意,它必须放在某个 qml 对象中,它不能像 JS 文件那样只是一个全局源代码。

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import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Window 2.2

Window {
    visible: true
    width: 640
    height: 480
    title: qsTr("Hello World")

    Component { id: btn; Rectangle { width : 100; height : 100; color : "red" } }

    Column {
        spacing: 10
        Loader { sourceComponent: btn }
        Loader { sourceComponent: btn; width: 300 }
        Loader { sourceComponent: btn; width: 1000 }

And the result:结果:


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