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[英]Express can't connect to mongodb replica set when local mongo is stoped

I have a mongodb replica set with the following config: 我有一个具有以下配置的mongodb replica set

  • M1 ( primary (host App1) M1(主(主机App1)
  • M2 ( secondary (host App2) M2(辅助(主机App2)
  • M3 ( secondary (host App3) M3(辅助(主机App3)
  • M4 arbitrator M4仲裁员

Here is my Express code to connect to db (I use mongoose as the ODM): 这是我连接到数据库的Express代码(我使用mongoose作为ODM):

 const config = {
    db: `mongodb://,,`,
    dbOptions: {
      useMongoClient: true,
      reconnectTries: Number.MAX_VALUE,
      replicaSet: process.env.REPLICA_SET,
      poolSize: 100,
      keepAlive: 1,
      connectTimeoutMS: 30000,
      socketTimeoutMS: 300000,
      w: 1
mongoose.connect(config.db, config.dbOptions, (error) => {
  if (error) {
    console.log('Error on connecting to th db: ', error)
    console.log('\x1b[31m', '*** PLEASE CONNECT TO DATABASE BEFORE RUN SERVER', '\x1b[0m')

The app works as expected. 该应用程序可以正常运行。 When M1 get down, either M2 or M3 get elected to be the primary , the App2 and App3 still working, BUT the App1 CAN'T connect to the replica set with the error message: 当M1发生故障时,M2或M3被选为primary App3App2App3仍然正常工作,但是App1无法连接到replica set并显示错误消息:

MongoError: failed to connect to server [localhost:27017] on first connect [MongoError: connect ECONNREFUSED]

This is my mongodb config on App1 : 这是我在App1上的mongodb配置:

  dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb
    enabled: true

  destination: file
  logAppend: true
  path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log

  port: 27017
  bindIp: [,]

  oplogSizeMB: 3000
  replSetName: my_rs

Is there any wrong in my config? 我的配置有问题吗?

You CAN NOT mix IP-addresses of multiple nodes at one single config file. 您不能在一个配置文件中混合多个节点的IP地址。

Your bindIp string 您的bindIp字符串

bindIp: [,,]

should be 应该

bindIp: ","

at first node and 在第一个节点和

bindIp: ","

at second node. 在第二个节点。 And so on... So, you can have localhost bind and other addresses what belong to that node. 依此类推...因此,您可以让localhost绑定和属于该节点的其他地址。

My initial answer was wrong because I thought that it has something to do with mongooos, what I don't know. 我最初的回答是错误的,因为我认为这与mongooos有关,这是我所不知道的。

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