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[英]Error: can't connect to new replica set master

I have been trying to connect my node js application to mongo db atlas but i keep getting this error我一直在尝试将我的节点 js 应用程序连接到 mongo db atlas 但我一直收到此错误

`MongoDB shell version v4.2.5
connecting to: mongodb://cluster0-shard-00-02-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-00-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-01-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017/test?authSource=admin&compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb&replicaSet=Cluster0-shard-0&ssl=true
2020-04-12T18:35:54.356-0700 I  NETWORK  [js] Starting new replica set monitor for Cluster0-shard-0/cluster0-shard-00-02-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-00-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-01-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017
2020-04-12T18:35:54.358-0700 I  CONNPOOL [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Connecting to cluster0-shard-00-02-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017
2020-04-12T18:35:54.359-0700 I  CONNPOOL [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Connecting to cluster0-shard-00-01-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017
2020-04-12T18:35:54.359-0700 I  CONNPOOL [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Connecting to cluster0-shard-00-00-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017
2020-04-12T18:35:56.232-0700 I  NETWORK  [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Confirmed replica set for Cluster0-shard-0 is Cluster0-shard-0/cluster0-shard-00-00-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-01-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-02-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017
2020-04-12T18:35:58.988-0700 I  NETWORK  [js] Marking host cluster0-shard-00-02-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017 as failed :: caused by :: Location40659: can't connect to new replica set master [cluster0-shard-00-02-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017], err: AuthenticationFailed: bad auth Authentication failed.

*** It looks like this is a MongoDB Atlas cluster. Please ensure that your IP whitelist allows connections from your network.

2020-04-12T18:35:58.991-0700 E  QUERY    [js] Error: can't connect to new replica set master [cluster0-shard-00-02-kmhdr.mongodb.net:27017], err: AuthenticationFailed: bad auth Authentication failed. :
2020-04-12T18:35:59.025-0700 F  -        [main] exception: connect failed
2020-04-12T18:35:59.026-0700 E  -        [main] exiting with code 1

Please help me resolve this issue.请帮我解决这个问题。 Thanks谢谢

I had similar issue.我有类似的问题。

That's how i solved this.我就是这样解决这个问题的。

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