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[英]How can I make the status bar white background with black icon?


I don't know of any way to make the icons black , but you can add these attributes to your activity's theme to get a white status bar with dark gray icons: 我不知道使图标变黑的任何方法,但是您可以将这些属性添加到活动的主题中,以获得带有深灰色图标的白色状态栏:

<item name="android:statusBarColor">#fff</item>
<item name="android:windowLightStatusBar">true</item>

Note that statusBarColor is api 21+ only, and windowLightStatusBar is api 23+ only, so perhaps you'd be best to put these in a res/values-v23/styles.xml so that you don't have a white status bar with white icons on api 21 and 22. 请注意, statusBarColor仅适用于api 21+,而windowLightStatusBar仅适用于api 23+,因此,也许最好将它们放在res/values-v23/styles.xml以免白色状态栏带有api 21和22上的白色图标。

Update 更新资料

I've read elsewhere on this site that these attributes are not honored by some vendor-specific versions of the OS, including Motorola and Mi phones. 我在该站点的其他地方读到,某些操作系统的特定于供应商的版本(包括摩托罗拉和Mi手机)不具备这些属性。

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