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[英]What kind of View should I use so to get the Title and the Url of a WebView like in the image below?

WebView with Title and Url and action menu that opens the page into Chrome 带有标题和网址的WebView以及可将页面打开到Chrome中的操作菜单

So you can see there is a Title "Casi di femminicidio..." and a Url just below it. 因此,您可以看到标题“ Casi di femminicidio ...”和位于其下方的一个网址。 On the right there is a menu which contains a button that opens the url directly into a chrome tab. 右侧有一个菜单,其中包含一个按钮,可直接将网址打开到chrome标签中。 I think it would be nice to show to the user the actual url and protocol like that. 我认为最好向用户显示实际的URL和协议。 is it a default view type? 它是默认视图类型吗?

Add this line to your dependencies: 将此行添加到您的依赖项:

implementation 'com.android.support:customtabs:26.1.0'

and then use: 然后使用:

new CustomTabsIntent
            .launchUrl(this, Uri.parse("http://google.com"));

and if you want to change color of the bar use: 如果您想更改条形的颜色,请使用:


more here: https://developer.chrome.com/multidevice/android/customtabs 此处更多内容: https//developer.chrome.com/multidevice/android/customtabs

Good luck! 祝好运!

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