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[英]How do I input strings in Linux terminal that points to file path using subprocess.call command?

I'm using Ubuntu and have been trying to do a simple automation that requires me to input the [name of website] and the [file path] onto a list of command lines. 我正在使用Ubuntu,并且一直在尝试做一个简单的自动化操作,要求我在命令行列表中输入[网站名称]和[文件路径]。 I'm using subprocess and call function. 我正在使用子过程和调用功能。 I tried something simpler first using the "ls" command. 我首先使用“ ls”命令尝试了一些更简单的方法。

from subprocess import call
text = raw_input("> ")
("ls", "%s") % (text)

These returned as "buffsize must be an integer". 这些返回为“ buffsize必须是整数”。 I tried to found out what it was and apparently I had to pass the command as a list. 我试图找出它是什么,显然我不得不将命令作为列表传递。 So I tried doing it on the main thing im trying to code. 因此,我尝试在主要尝试编写代码的方面进行此操作。

from subprocess import call
file_path = raw_input("> ")
site_name = raw_input("> ")
call("thug", -FZM -W "%s" -n "%s") % (site_name, file_path) 

These passed as an invalid syntax on the first "%s". 它们在第一个“%s”上作为无效语法传递。 Can anyone point me to the correct direction? 谁能指出我正确的方向?

Here is a complete example of how you would call a executable python file with subprocess.call Using argparse to properly parse the input. 这里是你将如何调用一个可执行文件的Python一个完整的例子subprocess.call使用argparse正确解析输入。

Your python file to be called (sandboxArgParse.py): 您要调用的python文件(sandboxArgParse.py):

import argparse    
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

parser.add_argument("--filePath", help="Just A test", dest='filePath')
parser.add_argument("--siteName", help="Just A test", dest='siteName')
args = parser.parse_args()
print args.siteName
print args.filePath

Your calling python file: 您的调用python文件:

from subprocess import call

call(["python","/users/dev/python/sandboxArgParse.py", "--filePath", "abcd.txt", "--siteName", "www.google.com"])

You cannot use % on a tuple. 您不能在元组上使用%

("ls", "%s") % text   # Broken

You probably mean 你可能是说

("ls", "%s" % text)

But just "%s" % string is obviously going to return simply string , so there is no need to use formatting here. 但是,仅"%s" % string显然会返回简单的string ,因此此处无需使用格式。

("ls", text)

This still does nothing useful; 这仍然无济于事。 did you forget the call ? 你忘了call吗?

You also cannot have unquoted strings in the argument to call . 您也不能在参数call包含未加引号的字符串。

call("thug", -FZM -W "%s" -n "%s") % (site_name, file_path)  # broken

needs to have -FZM and -W quoted, and again, if you use format strings, the formatting needs to happen adjacent to the format string. 需要用引号-FZM-W再次声明,如果您使用格式字符串,则格式需要在格式字符串旁边进行。

call(["thug", "-FZM", "-W", site_name, "-n", file_path])

Notice also how the first argument to call() is either a proper list, or a long single string (in which case you need shell=True , which you want to avoid if you can ). 还要注意call()的第一个参数是一个适当的列表还是一个长字符串(在这种情况下,您需要shell=True如果可以的话 ,应避免使用 )。

If you are writing new scripts, you most definitely should be thinking seriously about targetting Python 3 (in which case you want to pivot to subprocess.run() and input() instead of raw_input() too). 如果你正在写新的剧本,你最绝对应该认真考虑靶向Python 3中(在这种情况下,你要转动到subprocess.run()input()代替raw_input()太)。 Python 2 is already past its originally announced end-of-life date, though it was pushed back a few years because Py3k adoption was still slow a few years ago. Python 2已经过了最初宣布的寿命终止日期,尽管由于几年前Py3k的采用仍然很慢,所以它被推迟了几年。 It no longer is, and shouldn't be -- you want to be in Py3, that's where the future is. 它不再是而且不应该-您想进入Py3,那就是未来。

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