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Netty Nio在Java中阅读来自ChannelFuture的即将发布的消息

[英]Netty Nio read the upcoming messages from ChannelFuture in Java

I am trying to use the following code which is an implementation of web sockets in Netty Nio. 我试图使用以下代码 ,这是Netty Nio中的Web套接字的实现。 I have implment a JavaFx Gui and from the Gui I want to read the messages that are received from the Server or from other clients. 我有一个JavaFx Gui和Gui,我想读取从服务器或其他客户端收到的消息。 The NettyClient code is like the following: NettyClient代码如下所示:

public static ChannelFuture callBack () throws Exception{

    String host = "localhost";
    int port = 8080;
    try {
        Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap();
        b.option(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true);
        b.handler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
            public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
                ch.pipeline().addLast(new RequestDataEncoder(), new ResponseDataDecoder(),
                        new ClientHandler(i -> {
                            synchronized (lock) {
                                connectedClients = i;
        ChannelFuture f = b.connect(host, port).sync();

        return f;
    finally {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    ChannelFuture ret;
    ClientHandler obj = new ClientHandler(i -> {
        synchronized (lock) {
            connectedClients = i;
   ret = callBack();
        int connected = connectedClients;
    if (connected != 2) {
        System.out.println("The number if the connected clients is not two before locking");
        synchronized (lock) {
            while (true) {
                connected = connectedClients;
                if (connected == 2)
                System.out.println("The number if the connected clients is not two");
    System.out.println("The number if the connected clients is two: " + connected );
    ret.channel().read(); // can I use that from other parts of the code in order to read the incoming messages?

How can I use the returned channelFuture from the callBack from other parts of my code in order to read the incoming messages? 如何从我的代码的其他部分使用callBack中返回的channelFuture来读取传入的消息? Do I need to call again callBack, or how can I received the updated message of the channel? 我是否需要再次呼叫callBack,或者我如何才能收到频道的更新消息? Could I possible use from my code (inside a button event) something like ret.channel().read() (so as to take the last message)? 我可以使用我的代码(在一个按钮事件中)像ret.channel().read() (以便采取最后一条消息)?

By reading that code,the NettyClient is used to create connection(ClientHandler ),once connect done,ClientHandler.channelActive is called by Netty,if you want send data to server,you should put some code here. 通过读取该代码,NettyClient用于创建连接(ClientHandler),一旦连接完成,Netty调用ClientHandler.channelActive,如果要将数据发送到服务器,则应在此处添加一些代码。 if this connection get message form server, ClientHandler.channelRead is called by Netty, put your code to handle message. 如果此连接从表单服务器获取消息,则由Netty调用ClientHandler.channelRead,将您的代码置于处理消息中。

You also need to read doc to know how netty encoder/decoder works. 您还需要阅读doc以了解netty编码器/解码器的工作原理。

  • How can I use the returned channelFuture from the callBack from other parts of my code in order to read the incoming messages? 如何从我的代码的其他部分使用callBack中返回的channelFuture来读取传入的消息?

    share those ClientHandler created by NettyClient(NettyClient.java line 29) 分享NettyClient创建的ClientHandler(NettyClient.java第29行)

  • Do I need to call again callBack, or how can I received the updated message of the channel? 我是否需要再次呼叫callBack,或者我如何才能收到频道的更新消息?

    if server message come,ClientHandler.channelRead is called. 如果服务器消息到来,则调用ClientHandler.channelRead。

  • Could I possible use from my code (inside a button event) something like ret.channel().read() (so as to take the last message)? 我可以使用我的代码(在一个按钮事件中)像ret.channel()。read()(以便采取最后一条消息)?

    yes you could,but not a netty way,to play with netty,you write callbacks(when message come,when message sent ...),wait netty call your code,that is : the driver is netty,not you. 是的,你可以,但不是一个网络方式,与netty玩,你写回调(当消息来,当消息发送...),等netty调用你的代码,即:驱动程序是netty,而不是你。

last,do you really need such a heavy library to do network?if not ,try This code ,it simple,easy to understanding 最后,你真的需要这么重的库来做网络吗?如果没有,试试这个代码 ,它简单易懂

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