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[英]How to custmize FieldNamingStrategy in spring-data-mongo

In spring-data-mongo ,is this interface's function still can be extended? 在spring-data-mongo中,这个接口的功能还可以扩展吗?

What I want is saving CamelCaseToUnderline in mongodb and querying UnderlineToCamelCase. 我想要的是在mongodb中保存CamelCaseToUnderline并查询UnderlineToCamelCase。

I see the part source code, it has a final FieldNamingStrategy.if I wanna costomized it ,it must before instantiation, how? 我看到了部分源代码,它具有最终的FieldNamingStrategy。如果我想对它进行通用化,它必须在实例化之前,怎么做?

public class BasicMongoPersistentProperty extends AnnotationBasedPersistentProperty<MongoPersistentProperty> implements MongoPersistentProperty {
    private final FieldNamingStrategy fieldNamingStrategy;

    public BasicMongoPersistentProperty(Field field, PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, MongoPersistentEntity<?> owner, SimpleTypeHolder simpleTypeHolder, FieldNamingStrategy fieldNamingStrategy) {

      super(field, propertyDescriptor, owner, simpleTypeHolder);
      this.fieldNamingStrategy = fieldNamingStrategy == null ? PropertyNameFieldNamingStrategy.INSTANCE : fieldNamingStrategy;

      if (isIdProperty() && getFieldName() != ID_FIELD_NAME) {
        LOG.warn("Customizing field name for id property not allowed! Custom name will not be considered!");

Hi this is from the spring boot appendix 嗨,这是从Spring Boot附录中获得的

# MONGODB (MongoProperties)
spring.data.mongodb.field-naming-strategy= # Fully qualified name of the FieldNamingStrategy to use

You've got the follow strategies out of the box 您可以立即使用以下策略


If these dont suit your needs, feel free to extend them 如果这些都不满足您的需求,请随时扩展它们

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