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[英]Calculated field in spring-data-mongo document

I have two very simple entities, Post and Comments with 1 -> * 'relation'. 我有两个非常简单的实体,Post和Comments with 1 - > *'relation'。

here are my entities: 这是我的实体:

public class Comment {

  private String id;

  @JsonProperty(access = READ_ONLY)
  private String postId;

  @Length(max = 300)
  private String description;

  @JsonProperty(access = READ_ONLY)
  private Instant createdDate;

public class Post {

  @JsonProperty(access = READ_ONLY)
  private String id;

  @Length(max = 300)
  private String title;

  private String description;

  @JsonProperty(access = READ_ONLY)
  private Instant createdDate;

  @JsonProperty(access = READ_ONLY)
  private Instant updatedDate;

  @JsonProperty(access = READ_ONLY)
  private Long commentsCount = 0L;


As you can see my Post entity has the 'commentsCount' field which is what you think it is. 正如您所看到的,我的Post实体具有'commentsCount'字段,这是您认为的。 Is it somehow possible to populate this field while getting a single instance of post / a list of posts through post repository? 是否有可能在通过帖子库获取帖子/帖子列表的单个实例时填充此字段? Right know I'm doing additional queries through comment's repository for count for each postId and it's not ok as for 20 posts, my response time grew from 10ms to 30-40ms. 正确知道我正在通过评论的存储库进行额外的查询以获得每个postId的计数,并且它不适用于20个帖子,我的响应时间从10ms增长到30-40ms。

Not possible through repository methods. 通过存储库方法无法实现。 You'll require aggregation for this. 你需要聚合这个。

Something like 就像是

LookupOperation lookupOperation = LookupOperation.newLookup().from("post").localField("_id").foreignField("postId").as("comments");
ProjectionOperation projectionOperation = project("title", "description", "createdDate", "updatedDate").and("comments").size().as("commentsCount");
Aggregation agg = Aggregation.newAggregation(lookupOperation, projectionOperation);
List<Post> results = mongoOperations.aggregate(agg, "posts", Post.class).getMappedResults();

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