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[英]list index out of range for while loop

def main():
    infile = open('charge_accounts.txt', 'r')
    chargeAccounts = infile.readlines()

    index = 0
    while index < len(chargeAccounts):
        chargeAccounts[index] = chargeAccounts[index].rstrip('\n')
        index += 1

    userAccount = input("Please enter a charge account number: ")

    count = 0
    while userAccount != chargeAccounts[count] or chargeAccounts[count] == chargeAccounts[17]:
        count += 1

    if chargeAccounts[index] == userAccount:
        print("The account number", userAccount, "is in the list.")
        print("The account number", userAccount, "in not in the list.")


I'm trying to make a code in python that has the user input a number and checks to see if that number is in a list. 我正在尝试用python创建一个代码,让用户输入一个数字并检查该数字是否在列表中。 When I try to run this code, I get an error that says that the list index is out of range in the while loop. 当我尝试运行此代码时,出现一条错误,指出列表索引在while循环中超出范围。 There are only 18 items in the list, and I have the while loop set to terminate at 17(which should be 18 in the list). 列表中只有18个项目,我将while循环设置为终止于17(在列表中应为18)。 Edit: It also doesn't work if the while loop is set to chargeAccounts[count] != chargeAccounts[17]: 编辑:如果while循环设置为chargeAccounts[count] != chargeAccounts[17]:它也将不起作用chargeAccounts[count] != chargeAccounts[17]:

Here's the exact error code: 这是确切的错误代码:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "F:/CPT 168/Ch 7/AndrewBroughton_Chapter7_Excersizes/7-5/7-5.py", line 23, in <module>
  File "F:/CPT 168/Ch 7/AndrewBroughton_Chapter7_Excersizes/7-5/7-5.py", line 13, in main
    while userAccount != chargeAccounts[count] or chargeAccounts[count] != chargeAccounts[17]:
IndexError: list index out of range

Here's the content of the original text file: 这是原始文本文件的内容:


A while loop will keep looping as long as its condition is True . 只要条件为True while循环将保持循环。

count = 0
while userAccount != chargeAccounts[count] or chargeAccounts[count] == chargeAccounts[17]:
    count += 1

If I enter an invalid userAccount to your program, the first part of the condition userAccount != chargeAccounts[count] is always going to be True . 如果我向您的程序输入了无效的userAccount ,则条件userAccount != chargeAccounts[count]的第一部分将始终为True That makes the entire condition True , since you're using or logic. 这使整个条件为True ,因为您正在使用or逻辑。

Furthermore, if you want to check to see if you've reached the end of a list, you don't have to check the contents of the last list element ( chargeAccounts[count] == chargeAccounts[17] ). 此外,如果要检查是否已到达列表末尾,则不必检查最后一个列表元素的内容( chargeAccounts[count] == chargeAccounts[17] )。 Check the length instead ( count == len(chargeAccounts) ). 而是检查长度( count == len(chargeAccounts) )。

To fix this, change that loop condition to something like 要解决此问题,请将循环条件更改为类似

while count < len(chargeAccounts) and userAccount != chargeAccounts[count]:

(I'm not sure if this is exactly what you need, because I don't really follow the logic of your program. This should get you past the current error, though.) (我不确定这是否正是您所需要的,因为我并不真正遵循程序的逻辑。不过,这应该可以使您摆脱当前的错误。)

You get the error at the string if chargeAccounts[index] == userAccount: because index is already bigger than the index of the last element of the list (because you left the loop with this index above). if chargeAccounts[index] == userAccount:在字符串处出现错误,因为index已经大于列表最后一个元素的索引(因为您使循环离开了上面的该index )。

I would recommend you to follow a few rules to work with lists that could save you from similar errors with indices. 我建议您遵循一些规则来使用列表,这样可以避免索引出现类似错误。

  1. Use for -loop instead of while -loop, if you lineary go through each element. 使用for -loop,而不是while -loop,如果你lineary经过的每个元素。
  2. Use break if you want to leave the loop and keep the index 如果要退出循环并保留索引,请使用break

So you code may look like this: 因此,您的代码可能如下所示:

with open('charge_accounts.txt', 'r') as infile:
    chargeAccounts = infile.readlines()

for index in range(len(chargeAccounts)):
    chargeAccounts[index] = chargeAccounts[index].strip()

userAccount = input("Please enter a charge account number: ")

found = False
for chargeAccount in chargeAccounts:
    if chargeAccount = userAccount:
        found = True

if found:
    print("The account number", userAccount, "is in the list.")
    print("The account number", userAccount, "in not in the list.")

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