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[英]Python: slicing a list copy affects the original tuple or list when using nested for loops

I'm having trouble changing any list copies of a list or tuple. 我在更改列表或元组的任何列表副本时遇到麻烦。 When using two nested For loops the tuple is changed, as below: 使用两个嵌套的For循环时,将更改元组,如下所示:

testInput = ( ['foo','foo',], ['foo','foo'] )
testCopy = list(testInput)

for rowIndex, row in enumerate(testCopy):
    for columnIndex, column in enumerate(row):
        testCopy[rowIndex][columnIndex] = ['bar']


>>>([['bar'], ['bar']], [['bar'], ['bar']])
>>>[[['bar'], ['bar']], [['bar'], ['bar']]]

when only using one for loop is used, it works as I expect it to and only changes the copy: 当仅使用一个for循环时,它按我的预期工作并且仅更改副本:

for rowIndex, row in enumerate(testCopy):
    testCopy[rowIndex] = ['bar']

>>>([['foo'], ['foo']], [['foo'], ['foo']])
>>>[['bar'], ['bar']]

this happens regardless of if the original is a list or tuple or however the copy is formatted: 无论原始文件是列表还是元组,或者副本是否格式化,都会发生这种情况:

testCopy = testInput
testCopy = list(testInput)
testCopy = testInput[:]

Nested list copy with recursive function: This way the copy is a copy not related with the original 具有递归功能的嵌套列表副本:这样,副本就是与原始副本无关的副本

def copyList(yourList):   
    for listElement in yourList:
    if type(listElement)==list:
    return yourCopiedList

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