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Excel VBA - 工作日和/或datediff函数无法正常工作

[英]Excel VBA - Weekday and/or datediff function not working properly

I have the code below which is supposed to parse a column with dates/times and advise (by highlighting) if the value is older than 24 hours ago as of 6:30am on the current day. 我有下面的代码应该用日期/时间解析一列,并建议(通过突出显示)该值是否超过24小时前的当天早上6:30。 If the day is Monday, it is supposed to look back 72 hours (since Saturday and Sunday are not work days) and advise if the value is older than 72 hours as of 6:30am. 如果当天是星期一,则应该回顾72小时(因为星期六和星期日不是工作日),并建议从早上6:30开始,该值是否超过72小时。

Something is amiss as it is not highlighting values that are breaching the 24 hours threshold, but I don't know what it is. 有些东西是不对的,因为它没有突出显示违反24小时门槛的价值,但我不知道它是什么。

'Highlight breached tickets
Dim updateRange As Range, updateCell As Range
Set updateRange = Range("D2:D" & lastRow)
If Weekday(Date, vbMonday) Then
    For Each updateCell In updateRange
        If DateDiff("h", CDate(updateCell.Value), CDate(Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yy")) + TimeSerial(6, 30, 0)) > 72 Then
            updateCell.Interior.Color = 13311
            updateCell.Offset(0, -3).Interior.Color = 13311
        End If
    Next updateCell
    For Each updateCell In updateRange
        If DateDiff("h", CDate(updateCell.Value), CDate(Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yy")) + TimeSerial(6, 30, 0)) > 24 Then
            updateCell.Interior.Color = 13311
            updateCell.Offset(0, -3).Interior.Color = 13311
        End If
    Next updateCell
End If

As others have said you need to test Weekday against something as it doesn't return a Boolean value. 正如其他人说你需要测试Weekday反对的东西,因为它不返回一个Boolean值。 However, thought I'd add this as you could re-write your code so you don't repeat yourself as nearly all of it is doing exactly the same 但是,我想我会添加这个,因为你可以重新编写你的代码,所以你不要重复自己,因为几乎所有的代码完全相同

'Highlight breached tickets
Dim updateRange As Range, updateCell As Range
Dim TimeDiff As Long
Set updateRange = Range("D2:D" & Lastrow)

TimeDiff = IIf(Weekday(Date, vbMonday) = 1, 72, 40)

For Each updateCell In updateRange
    If DateDiff("h", CDate(updateCell.Value), CDate(Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yy")) + TimeSerial(6, 30, 0)) > TimeDiff Then
        updateCell.Interior.Color = 13311
        updateCell.Offset(0, -3).Interior.Color = 13311
    End If
Next updateCell

Writing it this way makes it much easier to maintain 以这种方式编写它使维护更容易

Update after comments To modify this to cope with other days as well, the simplest (and easiest to read) would be to change the TimeDiff = line and using a Select Case statement to set the value 注释后更新要修改它以应对其他日子,最简单(也是最容易阅读)的方法是更改TimeDiff =行并使用Select Case语句设置值

'Highlight breached tickets
Dim updateRange As Range, updateCell As Range
Dim TimeDiff As Long
Set updateRange = Range("D2:D" & Lastrow)

Select Case Weekday(Date, vbMonday)
    ' Monday
    Case 1
        TimeDiff = 72
    ' Tuesday
    Case 2
        TimeDiff = 96
    ' Any other day
    Case Else
        TimeDiff = 40
End Select

For Each updateCell In updateRange
    If DateDiff("h", CDate(updateCell.Value), CDate(Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yy")) + TimeSerial(6, 30, 0)) > TimeDiff Then
        updateCell.Interior.Color = 13311
        updateCell.Offset(0, -3).Interior.Color = 13311
    End If
Next updateCell

As mentioned by Kostas K. in the comments, Weekday() returns an Integer number from 1 to 7, which is always evaluated to a True boolean - MSDN Weekday ! 正如Kostas K.在评论中所提到的, Weekday()返回一个从1到7的Integer ,它总是被计算为一个True布尔值 - MSDN Weekday

However, if you use If Weekday(Date, vbMonday) = vbMonday most probably you will get a False if the today is Monday. 但是,如果您使用If Weekday(Date, vbMonday) = vbMonday如果今天是星期一,则很可能会得到一个False

That is because the default day of the beginning of the Weekday is Sunday. 这是因为工作日开始的默认日是星期日。 And you are changing it to Monday. 而你正在改变它到星期一。 And from the contrary, vbMonday is always evaluated to 2 (write ?vbMonday at the immediate window) 而相反, vbMonday总是被评估为2 (在即时窗口写入?vbMonday

Anyhow, it is probably a bit easier to see it than to explain it. 无论如何,看到它可能比解释它要容易一些。 Today it is Friday (TGIF). 今天是星期五(TGIF)。 Thus, simply run the following code: 因此,只需运行以下代码:

Public Sub TestMe()
    Debug.Print Weekday(Date) = vbFriday            'True
    Debug.Print Weekday(Date, vbMonday) = vbFriday  'False
End Sub

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