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[英]Assimp Load Changed data

I am using Assimp to import and export 3D models in c++. 我正在使用Assimp在c ++中导入和导出3D模型。 I load some data to aiScene then use aiExportScene to export my model. 我将一些数据加载到aiScene然后使用aiExportScene导出我的模型。

When I import the saved model it loads correctly but the data has changed from the what i inserted. 当我导入保存的模型时,它可以正确加载,但数据已与我插入的数据发生更改。 I need my original data to use in my processing. 我需要原始数据来进行处理。

I used OBJ and GLTF model and neither of them preserved my original data. 我使用了OBJGLTF模型,但它们都不保留我的原始数据。

How can I export and import without my data changing? 在不更改数据的情况下如何导出和导入?

Not at the moment this is not supported. 目前尚不支持。 We have to do a transfer from the incoming data into an intermediate dataformat, which is in use for the export as well. 我们必须将传入数据转换为中间数据格式,该格式也用于导出。 What you can do is avoiding any postprocessing steps at the end. 您可以做的是避免在最后进行任何后处理步骤。

You are not the first one who is asking for this feature. 您不是第一个要求此功能的人。 So I will open a feature-request for this. 因此,我将为此打开功能请求。

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