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[英]Creating nested divs using javascript

I've successfully created a div using javascript and it's filled with data gathered from an API. 我已经使用javascript成功创建了一个div,它充满了从API收集的数据。 I'd like to take part of that data (all the innerHTML text from Episode, SeasonxEpisode, etc.) and place it into a containing div so I can isolate it for css styling. 我想要获取部分数据(所有来自Episode,SeasonxEpisode等的innerHTML文本)并将其放入包含div中,以便我可以将其隔离为css样式。

Here is my code as it is, with everything in the same parent. 这是我的代码,同一个父级中的所有内容。 There is also an image pulled from the API displaying in the episodeDiv, but it is not included in this code snippet because it's not part of the issue. 还有一个从episodeDiv中显示的API中提取的图像,但它不包含在此代码段中,因为它不是问题的一部分。

let savedResponse;

function clickSeason (seasonNum) {

    const currentSeason = savedResponse['season'+ seasonNum];


        const episodeDiv = document.createElement('div');

        episodeDiv.innerHTML = 
            "Episode: " + episode.title + '<br />' + '<br />' + 
            "SeasonxEpisode: " + episode.episode + '<br />' + 
            "Original Airdate: " + episode.airdate + '<br />'  + 
            " Stardate: " + episode.stardate + '<br />' + 


You may see the full project here: http://idesn3535-flamingo.surge.sh/Final/index.html 您可以在这里看到完整的项目: http//idesn3535-flamingo.surge.sh/Final/index.html

And the full code is here: https://github.com/bmaxdesign/idesn3535-flamingo/blob/master/Final/index.html 完整的代码在这里: https//github.com/bmaxdesign/idesn3535-flamingo/blob/master/Final/index.html

I tried several versions of: 我尝试了几个版本:

const episodeData = document.createElement('p');

episodeData.innerHTML = 
                    "Episode: " + episode.title + '<br />' + '<br />' + 
                    "SeasonxEpisode: " + episode.episode + '<br />' + 
                    "Original Airdate: " + episode.airdate + '<br />'  + 
                    " Stardate: " + episode.stardate + '<br />' + 


I want the parent node to be the episodeDiv, and then I want to nest episodeData as a child with a separate id to style in css. 我希望父节点成为episodeDiv,然后我想将episodeData作为具有单独id的子集嵌套在css中。 Unfortunately what I have above actually makes the whole episodeDiv not even show, which I think means there is some error in how I've appended. 不幸的是,我上面的内容实际上使整个剧集甚至没有显示,我认为这意味着我的附加方式有一些错误。 I think I have some labeling confusion or syntax errors, or all of the above. 我想我有一些标签混淆或语法错误,或上述所有。 I'm trying to avoid leaving an empty element in my HTML page, but I'd also be confused with that approach and how to place the text in the empty div. 我试图避免在我的HTML页面中留下一个空元素,但我也会对这种方法以及如何将文本放在空div中感到困惑。 I'm clearly not understanding DOM manipulation yet. 我显然还没有理解DOM操作。

Please make sure your responses include a why and how, and any keywords or links that I could use to better understand this in general. 请确保您的回复包含原因和方式,以及我可以用来更好地理解这一点的任何关键字或链接。 Teach a man to fish, etc. Thank you so much!! 教一个人钓鱼等等。非常感谢你!

I like to use template literals and Array.map to achieve what you want to do. 我喜欢使用模板文字Array.map来实现你想要做的。 There are many ways to skin a cat, but this is pretty compact and readable. 皮肤猫的方法有很多种,但这种方法非常紧凑且易读。

// map the episode objects into strings of html
var episodeHTMLArray = currentSeason.map(episode => {
    return `
        <div class='episode'>
            Episode: ${episode.title} <br /> <br />
            SeasonxEpisode: ${episode.episode} <br />
            Original Airdate: ${episode.airdate} <br />
            Stardate: ${episode.stardate}<br />

// join the array of html into a plain string

Template literals are backticks instead of quotes, and they can render any variable in the current scope by using the syntax ${varName} . 模板文字是反引号而不是引号,它们可以使用语法${varName}在当前范围内呈现任何变量。

Also, I think I should point out that $("episodeData") is looking for an element that looks like <episodeData></episodeData> . 另外,我想我应该指出$("episodeData")正在寻找一个看起来像<episodeData></episodeData>的元素。 Careful with your selectors. 小心你的选择器。

Well, I write you little bit different code here, I like making DOM elements manually more than programatically and I prefer jQuery syntax - and as you are using jquery, it should not be a problem: 好吧,我在这里写了一些不同的代码,我喜欢手动创建DOM元素而不是编程,我更喜欢jQuery语法 - 而且当你使用jquery时,它应该不是问题:

        function clickSeason (seasonNum) {

                    const currentSeason = savedResponse['season'+ seasonNum];
                /*empty (remove everything from) the epsiode list div*/
            /*declare empty !string! variable for loop, where we can store all the 
            generated divs - this div has to be declared above the FOR loop,
            as we dont want to overwrite it each loop, 
            we want to add something to it each loop*/        
            var ep = "";
            /*loop through current season array/JSON*/
                    for(var i = 0; i<currentSeason.epsiode.length; i++){
                    /*every loop, we add this structure to ep variable*/
                   /*generate div id by variables, in this example, the id will be for
                   first season second episode like ep1-2*/
                      ep+= "<div id='ep"+seasonNum+"-"i+"' class='episodeStyle'>";
                      ep+= "Episode: " + currentSeason.episode[i].title + "<br /><br />"; 
                      ep+= "SeasonxEpisode: " + currentSeason.episode[i].episode + "<br />"; 
                      ep+= "Original Airdate: " + currentSeason.episode[i].airdate + "<br />";
                      ep+= " Stardate: " + currentSeason.episode[i].stardate + "<br />"; 
                      ep+= currentSeason.episode[i].summary;
                      ep+= "</div>";

            /*loop ended, you can now add it to any other dom element you like*/

now a little bit of theory: $('#myElementID').append(something); 现在有点理论: $('#myElementID').append(something); appends (puts as last child) to an exact element with that ID. 将(作为最后一个孩子)附加到具有该ID的确切元素。 $('.myElementCLASS').append(something); appends (puts as last child) to ALL elements that have given class. 将(作为最后一个子项)附加到给定类的所有元素。 $('div').append(something); appends (puts as last child) to ALL DIVs in DOM 将(作为最后一个孩子)附加到DOM中的所有DIV

you can also combine it with variables like 你也可以将它与变量结合起来

var elem="myElementID";

$("#"+elem+"1").append(something); will append to #myElementID1 将附加到#myElementID1

if I had to make templating with jQuery I would probably do something like: 如果我不得不使用jQuery进行模板化,我可能会做类似的事情:


    let myHtml = '<div class="episodeStyle"> "Episode:" ' + episode.title + '<br />' + '<br />' + '"SeasonxEpisode: "' + episode.episode + '<br />' + '"Original Airdate: "' + episode.airdate + '<br />'  + '" Stardate: "' + episode.stardate + '<br />' + episode.summary + '</div>';


In the code below I will show a manner in which I might actually do it. 在下面的代码中,我将展示一种实际可行的方式。 Hope it helps since it is very barebones compared to what oyu want to accomplish 希望它有所帮助,因为与oyu想要完成的相比,它是非常准确的

 $(document).ready(function() { function clickSeason() { /*Lets say this is the data you received form your API*/ let season1 = [{ title: 'Episode 1', episode: 1 }, { title: 'Episode 2', episode: 2 }, { title: 'Episode 3', episode: 3 }]; let seasonSelector = $("#season"); //This will Help you select the place where you //are going to load your episodes let divHolder; let mainContent; //We iterate through each element in our object array season1.forEach(function(episode) { //With jquery you can create a div like this. //You also get the jQuery object for that new div. //With this object you can manipulate your new div even further divHolder = $("<div class='episode'></div>"); //You can append data directrly to the div divHolder.append("<h4>" + episode.title + "</h4>"); divHolder.append("<h5>Episode:" + episode.episode + "</h5>"); //You could create new containers and still be able to manipulate the. mainContent = $("<p class='Content'></p>"); //It could be less performant, but I prefer //appending in sections instead of all in strings. mainContent.append("Original Airdate: " + episode.airdate + '<br /><br />'); mainContent.append("Stardate: " + episode.stardate + '<br /><br />'); mainContent.append(episode.summary); //We append our mainContent div to the divholder divHolder.append(mainContent); //We append our divHolder to the Season seasonSelector.append(divHolder); }); } clickSeason(); }); 
 #season { border: 1px solid gray; padding: 10px; } .episode { border: 1px solid gray; min-width: 20px; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="season"> </div> 

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