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[英]Creating nested divs using javascript

我已经使用javascript成功创建了一个div,它充满了从API收集的数据。 我想要获取部分数据(所有来自Episode,SeasonxEpisode等的innerHTML文本)并将其放入包含div中,以便我可以将其隔离为css样式。

这是我的代码,同一个父级中的所有内容。 还有一个从episodeDiv中显示的API中提取的图像,但它不包含在此代码段中,因为它不是问题的一部分。

let savedResponse;

function clickSeason (seasonNum) {

    const currentSeason = savedResponse['season'+ seasonNum];


        const episodeDiv = document.createElement('div');

        episodeDiv.innerHTML = 
            "Episode: " + episode.title + '<br />' + '<br />' + 
            "SeasonxEpisode: " + episode.episode + '<br />' + 
            "Original Airdate: " + episode.airdate + '<br />'  + 
            " Stardate: " + episode.stardate + '<br />' + 


您可以在这里看到完整的项目: http//idesn3535-flamingo.surge.sh/Final/index.html

完整的代码在这里: https//github.com/bmaxdesign/idesn3535-flamingo/blob/master/Final/index.html


const episodeData = document.createElement('p');

episodeData.innerHTML = 
                    "Episode: " + episode.title + '<br />' + '<br />' + 
                    "SeasonxEpisode: " + episode.episode + '<br />' + 
                    "Original Airdate: " + episode.airdate + '<br />'  + 
                    " Stardate: " + episode.stardate + '<br />' + 


我希望父节点成为episodeDiv,然后我想将episodeData作为具有单独id的子集嵌套在css中。 不幸的是,我上面的内容实际上使整个剧集甚至没有显示,我认为这意味着我的附加方式有一些错误。 我想我有一些标签混淆或语法错误,或上述所有。 我试图避免在我的HTML页面中留下一个空元素,但我也会对这种方法以及如何将文本放在空div中感到困惑。 我显然还没有理解DOM操作。

请确保您的回复包含原因和方式,以及我可以用来更好地理解这一点的任何关键字或链接。 教一个人钓鱼等等。非常感谢你!

我喜欢使用模板文字Array.map来实现你想要做的。 皮肤猫的方法有很多种,但这种方法非常紧凑且易读。

// map the episode objects into strings of html
var episodeHTMLArray = currentSeason.map(episode => {
    return `
        <div class='episode'>
            Episode: ${episode.title} <br /> <br />
            SeasonxEpisode: ${episode.episode} <br />
            Original Airdate: ${episode.airdate} <br />
            Stardate: ${episode.stardate}<br />

// join the array of html into a plain string


另外,我想我应该指出$("episodeData")正在寻找一个看起来像<episodeData></episodeData>的元素。 小心你的选择器。

好吧,我在这里写了一些不同的代码,我喜欢手动创建DOM元素而不是编程,我更喜欢jQuery语法 - 而且当你使用jquery时,它应该不是问题:

        function clickSeason (seasonNum) {

                    const currentSeason = savedResponse['season'+ seasonNum];
                /*empty (remove everything from) the epsiode list div*/
            /*declare empty !string! variable for loop, where we can store all the 
            generated divs - this div has to be declared above the FOR loop,
            as we dont want to overwrite it each loop, 
            we want to add something to it each loop*/        
            var ep = "";
            /*loop through current season array/JSON*/
                    for(var i = 0; i<currentSeason.epsiode.length; i++){
                    /*every loop, we add this structure to ep variable*/
                   /*generate div id by variables, in this example, the id will be for
                   first season second episode like ep1-2*/
                      ep+= "<div id='ep"+seasonNum+"-"i+"' class='episodeStyle'>";
                      ep+= "Episode: " + currentSeason.episode[i].title + "<br /><br />"; 
                      ep+= "SeasonxEpisode: " + currentSeason.episode[i].episode + "<br />"; 
                      ep+= "Original Airdate: " + currentSeason.episode[i].airdate + "<br />";
                      ep+= " Stardate: " + currentSeason.episode[i].stardate + "<br />"; 
                      ep+= currentSeason.episode[i].summary;
                      ep+= "</div>";

            /*loop ended, you can now add it to any other dom element you like*/

现在有点理论: $('#myElementID').append(something); 将(作为最后一个孩子)附加到具有该ID的确切元素。 $('.myElementCLASS').append(something); 将(作为最后一个子项)附加到给定类的所有元素。 $('div').append(something); 将(作为最后一个孩子)附加到DOM中的所有DIV


var elem="myElementID";

$("#"+elem+"1").append(something); 将附加到#myElementID1



    let myHtml = '<div class="episodeStyle"> "Episode:" ' + episode.title + '<br />' + '<br />' + '"SeasonxEpisode: "' + episode.episode + '<br />' + '"Original Airdate: "' + episode.airdate + '<br />'  + '" Stardate: "' + episode.stardate + '<br />' + episode.summary + '</div>';


在下面的代码中,我将展示一种实际可行的方式。 希望它有所帮助,因为与oyu想要完成的相比,它是非常准确的

 $(document).ready(function() { function clickSeason() { /*Lets say this is the data you received form your API*/ let season1 = [{ title: 'Episode 1', episode: 1 }, { title: 'Episode 2', episode: 2 }, { title: 'Episode 3', episode: 3 }]; let seasonSelector = $("#season"); //This will Help you select the place where you //are going to load your episodes let divHolder; let mainContent; //We iterate through each element in our object array season1.forEach(function(episode) { //With jquery you can create a div like this. //You also get the jQuery object for that new div. //With this object you can manipulate your new div even further divHolder = $("<div class='episode'></div>"); //You can append data directrly to the div divHolder.append("<h4>" + episode.title + "</h4>"); divHolder.append("<h5>Episode:" + episode.episode + "</h5>"); //You could create new containers and still be able to manipulate the. mainContent = $("<p class='Content'></p>"); //It could be less performant, but I prefer //appending in sections instead of all in strings. mainContent.append("Original Airdate: " + episode.airdate + '<br /><br />'); mainContent.append("Stardate: " + episode.stardate + '<br /><br />'); mainContent.append(episode.summary); //We append our mainContent div to the divholder divHolder.append(mainContent); //We append our divHolder to the Season seasonSelector.append(divHolder); }); } clickSeason(); }); 
 #season { border: 1px solid gray; padding: 10px; } .episode { border: 1px solid gray; min-width: 20px; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="season"> </div> 


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