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在python 3中等效于`array.array('c')`

[英]What's the equivalent of `array.array('c')` in python 3

My old code with python 2 has 我的python 2旧代码有

import array

buf = array.array('c')

In python 3, this chunk of code gives error 在python 3中,这段代码给出了错误

E ValueError: bad typecode (must be b, B, u, h, H, i, I, l, L, q, Q, f or d) E ValueError:错误的类型代码(必须为b,B,u,h,H,i,I,l,L,q,Q,f或d)

What would be the equivalent in python 3? python 3相当于什么? How to make the code work for both python 2 and 3? 如何使代码适用于python 2和python 3?

Just check the manual: https://docs.python.org/3/library/array.html 只需查看手册即可: https : //docs.python.org/3/library/array.html

'b' signed char
'B' unsigned char

So you'll probably need B (but we can't be sure - it depends on the rest of your code, I guess). 因此,您可能需要B (但是我们不能确定-这取决于您代码的其余部分)。 This is also compatible with Python 2.x. 这也与Python 2.x兼容。

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