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RecipientList 中端点响应的排序

[英]Ordering of responses from endpoints in RecipientList

I am using camel 2.17 and Fuse 6.3.我正在使用骆驼 2.17 和保险丝 6.3。 I have a scenario wherein I need to send my message to multiple endpoints which are doing some dB logging each.我有一个场景,我需要将我的消息发送到多个端点,每个端点都在做一些 dB 记录。

I am using "recipientList" to send my message to these endpoints but here I face an issue that, my DB entries are not in order of the endpoint calls.我正在使用“recipientList”将我的消息发送到这些端点,但在这里我面临一个问题,我的数据库条目不是按端点调用的顺序排列的。

Suppose, I have 3 endpoints A,B,C and they log 1 message each in DB after some processing MessageA, MessageB and MessageC but when I run my route RL(a,b,c) I do not see the DB mesages in same order although these are direct endpoints.假设,我有 3 个端点 A、B、C,在处理 MessageA、MessageB 和 MessageC 后,它们每个都在 DB 中记录了 1 条消息,但是当我运行我的路由 RL(a,b,c) 时,我没有看到相同的 DB 消息顺序,尽管这些是直接端点。

Is there a way my route can wait for first endpoint to complete and then process the second endpoint?有没有办法让我的路由可以等待第一个端点完成,然后处理第二个端点?

Here is my route Sample这是我的路线示例

<route id="RouteStart">
        <from id="_from1" uri="file:.../>
        <bean id="_bean1" method="hasReadWriteAccess" ref="fileAccessValidator"/>
        <log id="_log1" message=${body}"/>
        <recipientList id="_recipientList1">
            <simple>FirstStepInsert, MessageDirQueue, Step1Queue</simple>
    <!-- This route picks the file from queue, encodes the file in to UTF-8 BOM and validates file against XSD -->
    <route id="Step1Route">
        <from id="_from2" uri="Step1Queue"/>
        <log id="_log2" message=${body}"/>
         <setProperty id="_setProperty4" propertyName="stepName">
            <simple>File Validation</simple>
        <doTry id="_doTry1">
            <to id="_to1" uri="Step2Queue"/>
            <doCatch id="_doCatch1">
                <to id="_to2" uri="file:..?autoCreate=true"/>
                <log id="_log7" message="Moved Invalid file ${file:name}"/>
            <doCatch id="_doCatch2">
                <to id="_to3" uri="file:..?autoCreate=true"/>
                <log id="_log8" message="Moved XML file ${file:name} with Incorrect access"/>
            <doFinally id="_doFinally1">
                <to id="_to4" uri="direct:stepInsertLogging"/>
    <route id="Step2Route">
        <from id="_from3" uri="Step2Queue"/>
        <log id="_log9" message="${body}"/>
        <setProperty id="_setProperty12" propertyName="stepName">
            <simple>Data Transformation</simple>
        <recipientList id="_recipientList2">
            <simple>direct:stepInsertLogging, ReceiveDirQueue, Step3Queue</simple>
    <route id="Step3Route">
        <from id="_from4" uri="Step3Queue"/>
        <setProperty id="_setProperty19" propertyName="stepName">
            <simple>File Delivered</simple>
        <to id="_to5" uri="file:..."/>
        <onException id="_onException1">
            <redeliveryPolicy maximumRedeliveries="2" redeliveryDelay="0"/>
        <recipientList id="_recipientList3">
            <simple>direct:stepInsertLogging, direct:flowUpdateLogging</simple>
    <!-- This route sends a copy of source file to Message Archive folder -->
    <route id="MessageDirRoute">
        <from id="_from9" uri="MessageDirQueue"/>
        <log id="_log23" message="${body}"/>
        <setProperty id="_setProperty63" propertyName="stepName">
            <simple>Data SourceFile Logging</simple>
        <to id="_to13" uri="file:.."/>
        <onException id="_onException4">
        <to id="_to14" uri="direct:stepInsertLogging"/>

    <!-- This route sends a copy of destination file to Message Archive folder -->
    <route id="receiveDirectory-route">
        <from id="_from10" uri="ReceiveDirQueue"/>
        <setProperty id="_setProperty77" propertyName="stepName">
            <simple>Data DestinationFile Logging</simple>
        <to id="_to15" uri="file:.."/>
        <onException id="_onException5">
            <redeliveryPolicy maximumRedeliveries="2" redeliveryDelay="0"/>
        <to id="_to16" uri="direct:stepInsertLogging"/>
    <!-- Event Logging Routes -->
    <route id="startMainLogRoute">
        <from id="_from11" uri="FirstStepInsert"/>
        <log id="_log25" message="Received File ${file:name} : ${body}"/>
        <setProperty id="_setProperty92" propertyName="stepName">
            <simple>File Received</simple>
        <log id="_log26" message="${property.flowId}"/>
        <recipientList id="_recipientList7" streaming="false">
            <simple>direct:flowInsertLogging, direct:stepInsertLogging</simple>
    <route id="flowInsertLogRoute">
        <from id="_from12" uri="direct:flowInsertLogging"/>
        <log id="_log27" message="[flowInsertLogRoute]  Flow Id is ${property.flowId}"/>
        <process id="_process8" ref="flowProcessor"/>
        <transform id="_transform1">
            <method method="getFlowMap" ref="flowMapper"/>
        <log id="_log28" message="Executing the query {{sql.insertFlowDetail}}"/>
        <to id="_to17" uri="sql:{{sql.insertFlowDetail}}"/>
    <route id="stepInsertLogRoute">
        <from id="_from13" uri="direct:stepInsertLogging"/>
        <log id="_log29" message="[stepInsertLogRoute] Flow Id is ${property.flowId}"/>
        <process id="_process9" ref="stepProcessor"/>
        <transform id="_transform2">
            <method method="getStepMap" ref="stepMapper"/>
        <log id="_log30" message="Executing the query {{sql.insertStepDetail}}"/>
        <to id="_to18" uri="sql:{{sql.insertStepDetail}}"/>
    <route id="flowUpdateLogRoute">
        <from id="_from14" uri="direct:flowUpdateLogging"/>
        <log id="_log31" message="[flowUpdateLogRoute] Flow Id is ${property.flowId}"/>
        <transform id="_transform3">
            <method method="getFlowUpdateMap" ref="flowUpdateMapper"/>
        <log id="_log32" message="Executing the query {{sql.updateFlowDetail}}"/>
        <to id="_to19" uri="sql:{{sql.updateFlowDetail}}"/>

Here, I am updating the " stepName " property in my DB which is not following the execution order.在这里,我正在更新我的数据库中不遵循执行顺序的“ stepName ”属性。

It should be:它应该是:

  1. File Received收到文件
  2. Data SourceFile Logging数据源文件记录
  3. File Validation文件验证
  4. Data Transformation数据转换
  5. Data DestinationFile Logging数据目的地文件记录
  6. File Delivered文件已发送

But I do not see this order in the DB entries.但是我在数据库条目中没有看到这个顺序。

Themis and NoMad17 have already said in comments. Themis 和 NoMad17 已经在评论中说了。 From the docs :从文档

The recipients will receive a copy of the same Exchange, and Camel will execute them sequentially.收件人将收到同一个 Exchange 的副本,Camel 将按顺序执行它们。

I see in your route that you're chaining other recipient lists.我在您的路线中看到您正在链接其他收件人列表。 Maybe you are missing something since it's many routes.也许你错过了一些东西,因为它有很多路线。 To validate the sequence from the recipient list, took this unit test as example:为了验证收件人列表中的序列,以这个单元测试为例:

public class RecipientListSequenceAggregateRouteTest extends CamelTestSupport {

    EmbeddedDatabase db;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        db = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()


    protected RoutesBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
        return new RouteBuilder() {

            public void configure() throws Exception {
                getContext().getComponent("sql", SqlComponent.class).setDataSource(db);

                    .recipientList(constant("direct:a1, direct:a2, direct:a3, direct:select"));

                    .log("got message in a1: waiting 3s")
                    .process(new Processor() {
                        public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
                    .recipientList(constant("direct:db, direct:flow"));

                    .log("got message in a2: waiting 5s")
                    .process(new Processor() {
                        public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
                    .recipientList(constant("direct:db, direct:flow"));

                    .log("got message in a3: waiting 1s")
                    .process(new Processor() {
                        public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {

                    .log("got message in db from ${body}")
                    .to("sql:insert into log (body_in) values (:#${in.body})");

                    .log("got message in flow from ${body}")
                    .to("sql:insert into log (body_in) values (:#${in.body})");

                    .to("sql:select * from log order by time_in")
                    .log("results:\n ${body}")

    public void test() throws InterruptedException {
        Object results = template.requestBody("direct:start", "");

The results are:结果是:

19:23:47.090 [main] INFO route2 - got message in a1: waiting 3s
19:23:50.093 [main] INFO route5 - got message in db from a1
19:23:50.315 [main] INFO route6 - got message in flow from a1
19:23:50.337 [main] INFO route3 - got message in a2: waiting 5s
19:23:55.343 [main] INFO route5 - got message in db from a2
19:23:55.351 [main] INFO route6 - got message in flow from a2
19:23:55.359 [main] INFO route4 - got message in a3: waiting 1s
19:23:56.428 [main] INFO route7 - results:
[{BODY_IN=db_a1, TIME_IN=2017-12-22 19:23:50.301}, {BODY_IN=flow_a1, TIME_IN=2017-12-22 19:23:50.334}, {BODY_IN=db_a2, TIME_IN=2017-12-22 19:23:55.348}, {BODY_IN=flow_a2, TIME_IN=2017-12-22 19:23:55.356}]

As you see, even chaining other recipient lists the messages were delivered sequentially.如您所见,即使链接其他收件人列表,消息也是按顺序传递的。 Could you take apart some samples from your route and see the logs?你能从你的路线中取出一些样本并查看日志吗? Try to analyze step by step.试着一步一步分析。 Seeing your DSL I couldn't see anything wrong with it.看到你的 DSL,我看不出有什么问题。

If you need to manipulate the reply from the recipient list, you may need a custom Aggregator :如果您需要操作收件人列表中的回复,您可能需要一个自定义的Aggregator

An AggregationStrategy that will assemble the replies from recipients into a single outgoing message from the Recipient List.一个聚合策略,它将来自收件人的回复组合成来自收件人列表的单个传出消息。 By default Camel will use the last reply as the outgoing message .默认情况下,Camel 将使用最后一个回复作为传出消息 From Camel 2.12 onwards you can also use a POJO as the AggregationStrategy, see the Aggregator page for more details.从 Camel 2.12 开始,您还可以使用 POJO 作为 AggregationStrategy,有关更多详细信息,请参阅 Aggregator 页面。 If an exception is thrown from the aggregate method in the AggregationStrategy, then by default, that exception is not handled by the error handler.如果从 AggregationStrategy 中的聚合方法抛出异常,则默认情况下,错误处理程序不会处理该异常。 The error handler can be enabled to react if enabling the shareUnitOfWork option.如果启用 shareUnitOfWork 选项,则可以启用错误处理程序以做出反应。

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