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即使xpd = TRUE,如何绘制垂直和水平线?

[英]How can I plot vertical and horizontal lines even when xpd=TRUE?

Here is a simplified plot to work with: 这是使用的简化图解:

env <- data.frame(site = c('BLK','DUC','WHP','BLK','DUC','WHP','BLK','DUC','WHP'),
                  sal = c(5,6,3,2,4,5,6,8,4),
                  date = c(2013,2013,2013,2015,2015,2015,2017,2017,2017))
sitelist <- c('BLK','DUC','WHP')
par(mar=c(3,5,3,6), xpd = T)
plot(sal~date, data = env, type = 'n', ylim = c(0,10), ylab = 'Salinity',
     bty = 'n', xlab = '')
abline(v=2016, col = 'khaki', lwd = 20)
abline(mean(env$sal), 0, lty = 3)
for (ii in seq_along(sitelist)) {
  i <- sitelist[ii]; lines(sal[site==i] ~ date[site==i], data = env,
                            col = c(4,2,5)[ii],  lwd = 2,
                            lty = c(1,2,3)[ii]);
  points(sal[site==i] ~ date[site==i], data = env,
         pch = c(0,1,2)[ii], col = c(4,2,5)[ii])}
legend('topright', title = 'sites', inset=c(-0.2,0), lty = c(1,2,3), 
       col = c(4,2,5), lwd = 2, sitelist, 
       pch = c(0,1,2))

As written, this code yields a plot where the abline functions create lines that go outside of the boundaries of the plot, thanks to xpd=T . 如所写,此代码产生了一个绘图,其中由于xpd=Tabline函数创建了超出绘图边界的线。 However, I don't want to set xpd=F , because I won't be able to plot my legend outside of the boundaries. 但是,我不想设置xpd=F ,因为我将无法在边界之外绘制图例。 The solution must either be a way to plot a legend outside of the boundaries with xpd=F or a way to plot lines that stop at the boundaries. 解决方案必须是在xpd=F边界之外绘制图例的方法,或者是在边界处停止绘制线的方法。 Ideally, the solution would use the base program and be fairly standard, so I could drop it into each of my ~20 plots without too much customization. 理想情况下,该解决方案将使用基本程序并且相当标准,因此无需太多定制即可将其放入我的〜20个图中。

I tried using segments but was not happy with the rounded edges of the segment, as my vertical line is supposed to be a sort of shaded area to indicate a certain time period. 我尝试使用segments但对线段的圆角边缘不满意,因为我的垂直线应该是一种阴影区域,用于指示特定时间段。

This should solve your issue. 这应该可以解决您的问题。

Replace 更换

abline(v=2016, col = 'khaki', lwd = 20)
abline(mean(env$sal), 0, lty = 3)


lines(c(2013, 2017), rep(mean(env$sal), 2), col="black", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
lines(rep(2016, 2), c(0, 10), col="khaki", lwd = 20)

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24741885/5874001 资料来源: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/24741885/5874001

par(mar=c(3,5,3,6), xpd = T)
plot(sal~date, data = env, type = 'n', ylim = c(0,10), ylab = 'Salinity', bty = 'n', xlab = '')
lines(c(2013, 2017), rep(mean(env$sal), 2), col="black", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
lines(rep(2016, 2), c(0, 10), col="khaki", lwd = 20)
for (ii in seq_along(sitelist)) {
  i <- sitelist[ii]; lines(sal[site==i] ~ date[site==i], 
                            data = env,
                            col = c(4,2,5)[ii],  
                            lwd = 2,
                            lty = c(1,2,3)[ii]);
  points(sal[site==i] ~ date[site==i], data = env,
         pch = c(0,1,2)[ii], col = c(4,2,5)[ii])}
legend('topright',  title = 'sites', inset=c(-0.2,0), 
       lty = c(1,2,3), col = c(4,2,5), lwd = 2, 
       sitelist, pch = c(0,1,2))


If you have 20+ plots, I'd look to see if you can write a loop to perform that task. 如果您有20多个图,那么我想看看是否可以编写一个循环来执行该任务。

You can either set xpd to FALSE in the par call and insert xpd = TRUE in the legend call like this: 您可以在par调用中将xpd设置为FALSE,然后在legend调用中插入xpd = TRUE,如下所示:

env <- data.frame(site = c('BLK','DUC','WHP','BLK','DUC','WHP','BLK','DUC','WHP'),
                  sal = c(5,6,3,2,4,5,6,8,4),
                  date = c(2013,2013,2013,2015,2015,2015,2017,2017,2017))
sitelist <- c('BLK','DUC','WHP')
par(mar=c(3,5,3,6), xpd = F)
plot(sal~date, data = env, type = 'n', ylim = c(0,10), ylab = 'Salinity',
     bty = 'n', xlab = '')
abline(v=2016, col = 'khaki', lwd = 20)
abline(mean(env$sal), 0, lty = 3)
for (ii in seq_along(sitelist)) {
  i <- sitelist[ii]; lines(sal[site==i] ~ date[site==i], data = env,
                            col = c(4,2,5)[ii],  lwd = 2,
                            lty = c(1,2,3)[ii]);
  points(sal[site==i] ~ date[site==i], data = env,
         pch = c(0,1,2)[ii], col = c(4,2,5)[ii])}
legend('topright', title = 'sites', inset=c(-0.2,0), lty = c(1,2,3), 
       col = c(4,2,5), lwd = 2, sitelist, 
       pch = c(0,1,2),
     xpd = T)

Or keep xpd = TRUE in the par call and set xpd to FALSE in the abline calls like this: 或者在par调用中将xpd = TRUE保持不变,然后在像这样的abline调用中将abline设置为FALSE:

env <- data.frame(site = c('BLK','DUC','WHP','BLK','DUC','WHP','BLK','DUC','WHP'),
                  sal = c(5,6,3,2,4,5,6,8,4),
                  date = c(2013,2013,2013,2015,2015,2015,2017,2017,2017))
sitelist <- c('BLK','DUC','WHP')
par(mar=c(3,5,3,6), xpd = T)
plot(sal~date, data = env, type = 'n', ylim = c(0,10), ylab = 'Salinity',
     bty = 'n', xlab = '')
abline(v=2016, col = 'khaki', lwd = 20,xpd=F)
abline(mean(env$sal), 0, lty = 3,xpd=F)
for (ii in seq_along(sitelist)) {
  i <- sitelist[ii]; lines(sal[site==i] ~ date[site==i], data = env,
                            col = c(4,2,5)[ii],  lwd = 2,
                            lty = c(1,2,3)[ii]);
  points(sal[site==i] ~ date[site==i], data = env,
         pch = c(0,1,2)[ii], col = c(4,2,5)[ii])}
legend('topright', title = 'sites', inset=c(-0.2,0), lty = c(1,2,3), 
       col = c(4,2,5), lwd = 2, sitelist, 
       pch = c(0,1,2))


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