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[英]Structured Spark Streaming multiple writes

I am using a data stream to be written to a kafka topic as well as hbase. 我正在使用数据流以及hbase来写一个kafka主题。 For Kafka, I use a format as this: 对于Kafka,我使用以下格式:

dataset.selectExpr("id as key", "to_json(struct(*)) as value")
        .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", Settings.KAFKA_URL)
        .option("topic", Settings.KAFKA_TOPIC2)
        .option("checkpointLocation", "/usr/local/Cellar/zookeepertmp")

and then for Hbase, I do something like this: 然后对于Hbase,我做这样的事情:

    .foreach(new ForeachWriter[Row] {
      override def process(r: Row): Unit = {
        //my logic

      override def close(errorOrNull: Throwable): Unit = {}

      override def open(partitionId: Long, version: Long): Boolean = {

This writes to Hbase as expected but doesn't always write to the kafka topic. 这将按预期方式写入Hbase,但并不总是写入kafka主题。 I am not sure why that is happening. 我不确定为什么会这样。

Use foreachBatch in spark: 在spark中使用foreachBatch

If you want to write the output of a streaming query to multiple locations, then you can simply write the output DataFrame/Dataset multiple times. 如果要将流查询的输出写入多个位置,则可以简单地多次写入输出DataFrame / Dataset。 However, each attempt to write can cause the output data to be recomputed (including possible re-reading of the input data). 但是,每次写入尝试都可能导致重新计算输出数据(包括可能重新读取输入数据)。 To avoid recomputations, you should cache the output DataFrame/Dataset, write it to multiple locations, and then uncache it. 为了避免重新计算,您应该缓存输出DataFrame / Dataset,将其写入多个位置,然后取消缓存。 Here is an outline. 这是一个轮廓。

streamingDF.writeStream.foreachBatch { (batchDF: DataFrame, batchId: Long) =>
    batchDF.write.format(…).save(…) // location 1
    batchDF.write.format(…).save(…) // location 2

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