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[英]Google Sheets Dynamic Range (for finding instance number) Countif in arrayFormula

I find the instance number of a data entry by using: 我通过使用以下命令找到数据条目的实例号:


When filled down, this formula displays the number of times C2,C3,C4,etc. 填写后,此公式显示C2,C3,C4等的次数。 occurs above it, thus giving its "instance number". 出现在其上方,因此给出其“实例号”。

I would like to convert this to an array formula (to avoid the need to fill down) but, 我想将其转换为数组公式(以避免填写),但是,


does not work. 不起作用。 I am unsure how to convert the range argument of countif to comply with the arrayformula while keeping this range dynamic. 我不确定如何在保持此范围动态的同时转换countif的range参数以符合arrayformula。

Example sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cApbO2HdeiaJd7yEkS1oFzxEG5wuM2XHLU7CK_OqRCA/edit#gid=0 示例表: https//docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cApbO2HdeiaJd7yEkS1oFzxEG5wuM2XHLU7CK_OqRCA/edit#gid=0



A simple way to countif with arrayformula : 一个简单的方法countifarrayformula



Tip: use the same range twice 提示:两次使用相同范围

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