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[英]Differentiation of a list of functions with respect to a list of variables

Suppose I have a list of functions 假设我有一个功能列表

f = ['m','n', 'z']

and a list of variables 和变量列表

v = ['x', 'y', 'z'] 

Now 现在

m = x**2
n = y**2
z = x*y

Two important things here: 这里有两件重要的事情:

  • They are lists, so "string" has to converted into "symbols" or "Function" 它们是列表,因此“字符串”必须转换为“符号”或“功能”
  • 'z' is a function and also a variable! “ z”是一个函数,也是一个变量! So they are different and dz/dz is not unity. 因此它们是不同的,并且dz / dz不统一。 It depends on what function 'z' is. 这取决于“ z”是什么功能。 In this case dz/dx should be y and dz/dz should be 0. (Assume d is the partial derivative) 在这种情况下,dz / dx应该为y,dz / dz应该为0。(假设d是偏导数)

Now I want to differentiate all the elements of the function list with respect to all the elements of the variable list and the output will be an multidimensional array. 现在,我要相对于变量列表的所有元素来区分函数列表的所有元素,并且输出将是多维数组。 I am trying this without same variable and function name(here only printing one derivative, but ultimately I need a full array): 我在没有相同的变量和函数名称的情况下尝试了此操作(这里仅打印一个派生变量,但最终我需要一个完整的数组):

from sympy import *

f = ['m', 'n']
v = ['x', 'y']

variable = [var(i) for i in v]
Funct = [Function(i) for i in f]

m = x**2
n = y**2

print(diff(Funct[0], variable[0]))

it is giving this error: 它给出了这个错误:

print(diff(Funct[0], variable[0]))
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sympy/core/function.py", line 1837, in diff
return Derivative(f, *symbols, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sympy/core/function.py", line 1136, in __new__
if symbol_set.difference(expr.free_symbols):
TypeError: 'property' object is not iterable

What you're looking for is called the Jacobian, and can be computed with SymPy like this: 您正在寻找的被称为Jacobian,可以用SymPy计算如下:

>>> x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
>>> Matrix([x**2, y**2, x*y]).jacobian([x, y, z])
[2*x,   0, 0],
[  0, 2*y, 0],
[  y,   x, 0]])

One thing to realize is that the strings we use when creating symbols have nothing to do with names of those symbols. 要意识到的一件事是,我们在创建符号时使用的字符串与这些符号的名称无关。 You can have 你可以有

a = Symbol('b')

and now a is a symbol whose string representation is 'b'. 现在a是一个符号,其字符串表示形式为'b'。 In your code, this symbol is referred to as a , not as b . 在您的代码中,此符号称为a ,而不是b In particular, creating Funct = [Function('m'), Function('n')] and then assigning m = x**2 does nothing for the functions you created: there is no connection between m and Function('m') . 特别是,创建Funct = [Function('m'), Function('n')] ,然后分配m = x**2对创建的函数没有任何作用: mFunction('m')之间没有连接Function('m')

Also, SymPy does not really differentiate functions , it differentiates expressions (functions in which something is plugged in). 另外,SymPy并没有真正区分函数 ,而是区分表达式 (插入了某些东西的函数)。 The following creates a double list of derivatives, given expressions and variables: 下面创建给定表达式和变量的导数的双重列表:

variables = symbols("x y z")
expressions = [x**2, y**2, x*y]
print([[diff(e, v) for v in variables] for e in expressions])

Output: 输出:

[[2*x, 0, 0], [0, 2*y, 0], [y, x, 0]] 

Why not doing something as simple as the following? 为什么不做以下简单的事情?

import sympy as sp

x, y = sp.symbols('x, y')
m, n, z = x**2, y**2, x*y
f = [m, n, z]
v = [x, y]

H = [[fun.diff(var) for var in v] for fun in f]


You can try derive_by_array : 您可以尝试derive_by_array

In [3]: f = [i(x, y, z) for i in symbols(['m','n', 'z'], cls=Function)]

In [4]: f
Out[4]: [m(x, y, z), n(x, y, z), z(x, y, z)]

In [5]: derive_by_array(f, [x, y, z])
⎡∂               ∂               ∂             ⎤
⎢──(m(x, y, z))  ──(n(x, y, z))  ──(z(x, y, z))⎥
⎢∂x              ∂x              ∂x            ⎥
⎢                                              ⎥
⎢∂               ∂               ∂             ⎥
⎢──(m(x, y, z))  ──(n(x, y, z))  ──(z(x, y, z))⎥
⎢∂y              ∂y              ∂y            ⎥
⎢                                              ⎥
⎢∂               ∂               ∂             ⎥
⎢──(m(x, y, z))  ──(n(x, y, z))  ──(z(x, y, z))⎥
⎣∂z              ∂z              ∂z            ⎦

The next version of SymPy will support an even more compact syntax: SymPy的下一版本将支持更紧凑的语法:

diff(f, [[x, y, z]])

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