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[英]node.js and mysql how do I get 2 if have 1 in the database?

I want to add + 1 to the database and with that I would have 2 in the database if I had 1 in the case, I tried it but got 11, not 2 我想向数据库中添加+1,如果我有1,我将在数据库中有2,我尝试过但得到11,而不是2

if (result4.length) {
  var sql1 = `UPDATE level SET xp = '${result4[0].xp + 1}' WHERE xp = '${result4[0].xp}'`;

  connection.query(sql1, function(err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;

Here is the full source, just in case: 这是完整的源代码,以防万一:

client.on("message", message => {
  if (message.author.bot) return;
  connection.query(`SELECT * FROM guildn WHERE id = '${message.guild.id}'`, function(err, result3) {
    if (err) {
      return console.log('Error1');
    if (result3.length) {
      connection.query(`SELECT * FROM level WHERE id = '${message.author.id}'`, function(err, result4) {
        if (err) {
          return console.log('Error1');
        if (!result4.length) {
          var sql = `INSERT INTO level (guild , id , nivel , xp) VALUES ('${message.guild.id}','${message.author.id}','0','1')`;
          connection.query(sql, function(err, result) {
            if (err) throw err;
            console.log("1 record inserted");
        if (result4.length) {
          var sql1 = `UPDATE level SET xp = '${result4[0].xp + 1}' WHERE xp = '${result4[0].xp}'`;

          connection.query(sql1, function(err, result) {
            if (err) throw err;

I used the google translator to make this post, so if I have any errors in the translation, I'm sorry 我曾用Google翻译器发表这篇文章,所以如果翻译中有任何错误,对不起

My suspicion would be that the result from the database xp is a string. 我怀疑是数据库xp的结果是一个字符串。 This seems logical since you are setting it as a string in your query. 这似乎合乎逻辑,因为您在查询中将其设置为字符串。 In that case you would do this: 在这种情况下,您可以这样做:

`UPDATE level SET xp = '${parseInt(result4[0].xp) + 1}' WHERE xp = '${result4[0].xp}'`;

This converts the result to a number and javascript will add 1 to it, rather than concatenating 1 to the string. 这会将结果转换为数字,而javascript会将数字加1,而不是将1连接到字符串。

I'm guessing what's happening is that your XP data is stored in your database as a string so you end up trying to add a number to a string. 我猜发生了什么事,您的XP数据以字符串形式存储在数据库中,因此您最终尝试在字符串中添加数字。 In Javascript, the result in that situation is that you concatenate the number to the end of the string, which is why you end up with '11' instead of 2. 在Javascript中,这种情况的结果是将数字连接到字符串的末尾,这就是为什么以'11'而不是2结尾的原因。

To resolve the issue without changing the database, you can turn the XP string into an integer using parseInt before adding 1 to it: 要在不更改数据库的情况下解决此问题,可以在添加1之前使用parseInt将XP字符串转换为整数:

        var sql1 = `UPDATE level SET xp = '${ parseInt (result4[0].xp) + 1}' WHERE xp = '${result4[0].xp}'`;

If the data type of xp is a string then a little modification to your update call would suffice: 如果xp的数据类型是字符串,那么对您的更新调用进行一些修改就足够了:

if (result4.length) {
  const query = `UPDATE level SET xp = '${Number(result4[0].xp) + 1}' WHERE xp = '${result4[0].xp}'`;

  connection.query(query, function(err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;

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