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如何将 json 数据添加到 node.js 中的 mysql 数据库

[英]How do i add json data to mysql database in node.js

I am to get the json data from http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users我要从http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users获取 json 数据

I want to populate the mysql database with the id,name,username and email from the json data.我想用来自 json 数据的 id、名称、用户名和 email 填充 mysql 数据库。 I am using a node module called 'request' to read the online json api我正在使用一个名为“请求”的节点模块来读取在线 json api

const db = mysql.createConnection({
   host: 'localhost',
   user: 'root',
   password: '',
   database: 'nodemysql'
db.connect((err) => {
   if (err) {
       throw err
   console.log('MySql Connected...');

app.get('/populate', (req, res) => {
       url: "http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users",
       json: true
   }, (err, res, body) => {

Here's a two samples of the items in the json api这是 json api 中项目的两个样本

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Leanne Graham",
    "username": "Bret",
    "email": "Sincere@april.biz",
    "address": {
      "street": "Kulas Light",
      "suite": "Apt. 556",
      "city": "Gwenborough",
      "zipcode": "92998-3874",
      "geo": {
        "lat": "-37.3159",
        "lng": "81.1496"
    "phone": "1-770-736-8031 x56442",
    "website": "hildegard.org",
    "company": {
      "name": "Romaguera-Crona",
      "catchPhrase": "Multi-layered client-server neural-net",
      "bs": "harness real-time e-markets"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Ervin Howell",
    "username": "Antonette",
    "email": "Shanna@melissa.tv",
    "address": {
      "street": "Victor Plains",
      "suite": "Suite 879",
      "city": "Wisokyburgh",
      "zipcode": "90566-7771",
      "geo": {
        "lat": "-43.9509",
        "lng": "-34.4618"
    "phone": "010-692-6593 x09125",
    "website": "anastasia.net",
    "company": {
      "name": "Deckow-Crist",
      "catchPhrase": "Proactive didactic contingency",
      "bs": "synergize scalable supply-chains"

I just need the id,name,username and email to be added the mysql database as columns for each user as rows我只需要将 ID、名称、用户名和 email 添加到 mysql 数据库作为每个用户的列作为行

Assuming that假如说

yes it is version 10.4.11 – Preshy Jones是的,它是版本 10.4.11 – Preshy Jones

means you have MariaDB:意味着你有 MariaDB:

SELECT idx + 1, 
       JSON_VALUE(single_object, '$.id') id,
       JSON_VALUE(single_object, '$.name') name,
       JSON_VALUE(single_object, '$.username') username,
       JSON_VALUE(single_object, '$.email') email
FROM ( SELECT idx, JSON_EXTRACT(@json, CONCAT('$[', idx, ']')) single_object
       FROM ( SELECT 0 idx UNION SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2) idxs ) objects

fiddle 小提琴

Pay attention - separate JSON objects are transferred into the query as JSON array, not as JSON object.注意 - 单独的 JSON 对象作为 JSON 数组传输到查询中,而不是作为 JSON ZA8CFFDE6331BD4B666AC9。

The number of consecutive numbers in the 'idxs' subquery must start from zero and contain at least as many numbers as the number of individual objects in the source data. 'idxs' 子查询中的连续数字的数量必须从零开始,并且包含的数字至少与源数据中单个对象的数量一样多。 If not, the remaining rows will be lost.如果没有,剩余的行将丢失。 This subquery may be easily replaced with numberlist-generated recursive CTE.这个子查询可以很容易地用 numberlist 生成的递归 CTE 替换。

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