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在 Access 2016 查询设计器中设置默认缩放窗口字体大小?

[英]Set default Zoom Window font size in Access 2016 query designer?

Does anyone know if there's a way to set the default font size for the Access 2016 Query Zoom window ?有谁知道是否有办法为 Access 2016 查询缩放窗口设置默认字体大小

I often use the Zoom window when editing lengthy/complex expressions.在编辑冗长/复杂的表达式时,我经常使用缩放窗口。 I can set the zoom window font size but it only "sticks" for the current session.可以设置缩放窗口字体大小,但它仅适用于当前会话。 Next time I start Access, it's back to Tahoma 8pt.下次我启动 Access 时,它会回到 Tahoma 8pt。


I have no issue with the "Query Design Font" ( FileOptionsObject DesignersQuery Design Font ) as it [properly] stays where I set it (Sergoe UI 11) between sessions, but the Zoom window seems to insist upon a smaller font than the query designer.我对“查询设计字体”( FileOptionsObject DesignersQuery Design Font )没有任何问题,因为它[正确地] 停留在我在会话之间设置的位置(Sergoe UI 11),但缩放窗口似乎坚持比查询设计器更小的字体。


Maybe I'm missing something but I couldn't find anything applicable online, nor in/around registry keys:也许我遗漏了一些东西,但我在网上找不到任何适用的东西,也没有在注册表项中/周围:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\16.0\\Access

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Office\\16.0\\Access

It's a minor issue but years of frustration with it is starting to add up!这是一个小问题,但多年的挫折开始累积起来! Surely there's a setting somewhere so I don't have to change it every time I use Access... Any ideas?当然,某处有一个设置所以我不必每次使用 Access 时都更改它......有什么想法吗? Thanks!谢谢!

[I'm running Access 2016 (local install Version 1711 via Office 365 ProPlus subscription) on Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit.] [我正在 Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64 位上运行 Access 2016(通过 Office 365 ProPlus 订阅本地安装版本 1711)。]

The Zoom box is part of (Office installation path)\\ACCWIZ\\UTILITY.ACCDA .缩放框是(Office installation path)\\ACCWIZ\\UTILITY.ACCDA You can open this file and see the form ZoomForm , but you can't edit it.您可以打开此文件并查看表单ZoomForm ,但您无法对其进行编辑。

Note that the Zoom box is not restricted (or specific) to the query designer - you can use Shift+F2 wherever you can edit (or see) a value.请注意,缩放框不限于(或特定于)查询设计器 - 您可以在任何可以编辑(或查看)值的地方使用 Shift+F2。

With help fromhttps://access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=238660 and https://bytes.com/topic/access/answers/739912-change-default-font-zoom-box :https://access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=238660https://bytes.com/topic/access/answers/739912-change-default-font-zoom-box 的帮助下:

Set a reference to UTILITY.ACCDA .设置对UTILITY.ACCDA的引用。 In your startup code (called from an AutoExec macro), call this function:在您的启动代码(从AutoExec宏调用)中,调用此函数:

Public Function ZoomBoxSetParams()

    ' adapt to your preferences
    utility.zoom_stFontName = "Consolas"
    utility.zoom_iFontSize = 16

End Function

It is not necessary to overwrite the Shift+F2 action with an AutoKeys macro as proposed in the linked threads.没有必要使用链接线程中建议的AutoKeys宏覆盖 Shift+F2 操作。 You only need to set these variables, and the Zoom box will always use this font.您只需要设置这些变量,缩放框将始终使用这种字体。


This is mainly useful for your development computer.这主要对您的开发计算机有用。 If any of your users use a different version of Access, or the runtime version, the reference to UTILITY.ACCDA will break.如果您的任何用户使用不同版本的 Access 或运行时版本,则对UTILITY.ACCDA的引用将中断。

If you are in this situation, you will either have to remove the reference and code before distribution, or perhaps set the reference at runtime if UTILITY.ACCDA is available.如果您处于这种情况,则必须在分发之前删除引用和代码,或者如果UTILITY.ACCDA可用,则可能在运行时设置引用


An alternative Zoom box is here: http://www.accessmvp.com/TomVanStiphout/ZoomBox.htm另一个缩放框在这里: http : //www.accessmvp.com/TomVanStiphout/ZoomBox.htm
(I haven't tried it) (我没试过)

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