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[英]ReactJS Updated state not passed in realtime as props to child component

These is my App.js . 这是我的App.js Here I have a basic signup/login functionality but the problem is this.state.err or the error generated in login or signup is updated in App.js I verified it by logging its value but when I pass it down to <Splitwise /> as props the value is the initial state set in the constructor! 在这里,我具有基本的注册/登录功能,但问题是this.state.errthis.state.err中更新了登录或注册中生成的错误,我通过记录其值验证了它,但是当我将其传递给<Splitwise />作为道具,该值是构造函数中设置的初始状态!

class App extends Component{
    this.state = { page:1 , signupLogin: 0, logged: false, auth: false, err: 0};
    this.user  = { username: '', avatar: ''};
    this.demo  = { username: 'Rounak Polley',email: 'abc@def.ghi', password: 'ijkl'};
    this.err   = { no: 0 };

I have tried using both this.state.err and this.err.no in both cases the result is the same! 在两种情况下,我都尝试使用this.state.errthis.err.no

    this.state.err = val;
    //this.setState({err: val}, function(){console.log("error in app.js - "+this.state.err);});
    if(val === 1)       {alert("You have entered an invalid email address!");                               }
    else if(val ===2)   {alert("Whoops! We couldn’t find an account for that email address and password."); }
    else if(val === 3)  {alert("All fields are required!");                                                 }

signup = (newUser) => {
            this.error(3);  console.log("error in app.js - "+this.state.err);
        else if(!this.ValidateEmail(newUser.email)){
            this.error(1);  console.log("error in app.js - "+this.state.err);
            //---// save data
            console.log('saved new-user credentials');
            //goto login page (values are already copied)
            this.setState({signupLogin: 1});   

    login = (authUser) => {        
        //error : 1 wrong email format
        //---// authenticate user set this.state.auth : true
        if((authUser.email === this.demo.email) && (authUser.password === this.demo.password)){
            this.state.auth = true;
            this.user.username = this.demo.username;
            //error : 2 wrong username/password
            //this.setState({err: 2}); not working why?
            //console.log("error in app.js - "+this.state.err);
            console.log("error in app.js - "+this.state.err);
            console.log('authenticated user');
            this.setState({logged: true});
            //get user name and other data and populate the 'this.user'

            //page 2
            //this.setState({page: 2});   

    logout(){       this.setState({logged: false, signupLogin: 1});     }
            <div className="App">
                <MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={muiTheme}>
                    <SplitWise  page={this.state.page}
                        onTitleClick={this.onTitleClick.bind(this)} signupLogin={this.state.signupLogin}
                        signupPage={this.signupPage.bind(this)}     loginPage={this.loginPage.bind(this)}
                        signup={this.signup.bind(this)}             login={this.login.bind(this)}               
                        logged={this.state.logged}                  username={this.user.username}
                        logout={this.logout.bind(this)}             err={this.state.err}

All the other states signupLogin or logged behaves exactly as expected I know that updating states is async. 我知道更新状态是异步的,所有其他状态signupLoginlogged行为均与预期的一样。 in ReactJS. 在ReactJS中。 So, how can I fix it? 那么,我该如何解决呢?

If I understand your question correctly, I believe the issue is related to the following function 如果我正确理解了您的问题,则认为该问题与以下功能有关

  this.state.err = val;

you need to use this.setState in order for children component to re render receiving the new state as props 您需要使用this.setState以便子组件重新呈现,以接受新状态作为道具

// user an arrow function or bind this in the constructor.
error = (val) => {
    err: val

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