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[英]VPN appliance in AWS VPC

I have a VPC on AWS with a public and a private subnet. 我在AWS上有一个VPC,其中有一个公共子网和一个私有子网。 I've deployed an instance of OpenVPN appliance in the public subnet to access my EC2 nodes in the private subnet. 我已经在公共子网中部署了OpenVPN设备实例,以访问私有子网中的EC2节点。 As expected, with VPN I can access (for eg SSH into) any EC2 node that I manually create in the private subnet. 如预期的那样,通过VPN,我可以访问(例如,通过SSH进入)我在专用子网中手动创建的任何EC2节点。 But I can't access services (for example Elastic Search or RDS Postgres) that AWS creates in the same private subnet. 但是我无法访问AWS在同一私有子网中创建的服务(例如Elastic Search或RDS Postgres)。 (I did make sure all security groups are properly configured on the Postgres and RDS). (我确实确保在Postgres和RDS上正确配置了所有安全组)。 What am I missing? 我想念什么?

I use a similar setup when connecting to my private RDS instances via VPN. 通过VPN连接到我的私有RDS实例时,我使用类似的设置。 I apologize, I cannot comment since this account is new and I do not have the reputation, I will have to make assumptions. 抱歉,由于这个帐户是新帐户并且没有声誉,所以我无法发表评论,我将不得不做一些假设。

Your security groups need to be VPC security groups, not ec2 security groups (if they are not already). 您的安全组必须是VPC安全组,而不是ec2安全组(如果尚未安装)。

VPC SG 1 ( ec2 Bridge ): This group is assigned to your OpenVPN server and allows traffic on your Postgres port and private IP CIDR. VPC SG 1( ec2 Bridge ):该组已分配给您的OpenVPN服务器,并允许Postgres端口和专用IP CIDR上的流量。

Here is an example of mine for MSSQL and MySQL (I have multiple tunnels): 这是我的MSSQL和MySQL示例(我有多个隧道):


VPC SG 2 ( Dev RDS Bridge ): This has to allow traffic from VPC SG 1 VPC SG 2( 开发RDS桥 ):这必须允许来自VPC SG 1的流量

Here is an example group I made just made for Aurora MySQL: 这是我为Aurora MySQL创建的一个示例组:


Finally, assign VPC SG 2 to your RDS Instance: 最后,将VPC SG 2分配给您的RDS实例:


Now you should be able to talk to your RDS over your VPN connection while the RDS remains closed to the public. 现在,您应该可以通过VPN连接与RDS进行对话,而RDS仍不对公众开放。 The process is similar for other AWS private resources. 其他AWS私有资源的过程与此类似。

Let me know if I wrongly assumed anything or can help more. 让我知道我是否错误地假设了什么或可以提供更多帮助。

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