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[英]Recursive multiline find/replace from command line

I am trying to do a find and replace for import statements in js files. 我正在尝试查找并替换js文件中的import语句。 There are a few different variants that I need to be able to account for: 我需要考虑几种不同的变体:

// default-import.js
import foo from 'bar-shared';

// named-import.js
import {Foo} from 'bar-shared/foo';

// type-import.js
import type {FooType} from 'bar-shared/foo';

// multiline-import.js
import {
} from 'bar-shared/foo';

// multiline-with-type-import.js
import {
  type FooType,
} from 'bar-shared/foo';

// multiple-import.js
import foo from 'bar-shared';
import {Foo} from 'bar-shared/foo';
import {
} from 'bar-shared/baz';

My end goal is to replace bar-shared with @bar/core . 我的最终目标是用@bar/core替换bar-shared But the limitations are: - I don't know what the specific imports are - An import statement can be over multiple lines - There can be multiple import statements for bar-shared in a single file 但局限性是:-我不知道特定的导入内容-导入语句可以跨越多行-单个文件中可以有多个导入bar-shared用于bar-shared

I have gotten reasonably close on with the following: 我在以下方面已经相当接近:

find . -type f -name "*.js" -exec \
  perl -0777 -p -i -e "s/^import ([\s\S]*?) from 'bar-shared(.*)'/import \1 from '\@bar\/core\2'/gms" {} +

That script doesn't seem to be finding all of the instances though. 该脚本似乎并没有找到所有实例。 Specifically the final example type, with more than one import statement in the file, seems to be the real problem. 具体来说,最终的示例类型似乎是真正的问题,该类型在文件中具有多个import语句。

It seems that you always need to match from import to the first from 'bar-shared' . 似乎您总是需要从import匹配from 'bar-shared'的第一个匹配。 Then 然后

perl -i -0777 -wpe's{import.*?from\s+\x27\Kbar\-shared}{\@bar/core}gs'

The \\x27 is the hexadecimal escape for the single quote (27). \\x27是单引号( 16 )的十六进制转义 The /s modifier makes . /s修饰符使. match newlines, too, which is all you need to process this multiline string in this way. 也匹配换行符,这就是您以这种方式处理此多行字符串所需要的全部。 The \\K discards all previous matches so they need not be captured and replaced. \\K丢弃所有先前的匹配,因此无需捕获和替换它们。

Tested on your example but I am not sure what may appear inside import blocks in JS. 在您的示例上进行了测试,但是我不确定JS的import块中可能会出现什么。

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