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阅读 appsettings.json 很贵吗?

[英]Is reading appsettings.json expensive?

Currently I'm developing a .net core 2 application that should read some keys from appsettings.json on each request based on domain.目前我正在开发一个 .net core 2 应用程序,它应该在基于域的每个请求上从 appsettings.json 读取一些键。 (I have to mention, I have a single solution with 3 projects that share the same appsettings.json) I'm concerned about the reading time of the appsettings.json file on each request. (我不得不提一下,我有一个包含 3 个共享相同 appsettings.json 的项目的单一解决方案)我担心每次请求时 appsettings.json 文件的读取时间。 Does this file get cached when the app starts?当应用程序启动时,这个文件会被缓存吗? My Startup consrtuctor is the following :我的启动构造函数如下:

public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
private readonly ILoggerFactory _logger;

public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory logger)
            string settingPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(@"../SharedConfig/globalAppSettings.json"));
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            Configuration = builder.Build();

            _logger = logger;

Configuration API constructs key and values using IConfigurationBuilder.Build method that builds IConfiguration with keys and values from the set of sources registered before.配置 API 使用IConfigurationBuilder.Build方法构造键和值,该方法使用之前注册的一组源中的键和值构建IConfiguration

If briefly, the following mechanism is implemented :如果简单地说,以下机制实现

  • Internally the specific provider is used to read from the registered source.在内部,特定的提供程序用于从注册的源中读取。 File-based sources have the appropriate FileConfigurationProvider .基于文件的源具有适当的FileConfigurationProvider For JSON files this is a JsonConfigurationProvider .对于 JSON 文件,这是一个JsonConfigurationProvider
  • IConfigurationBuilder.Build method constructs providers for each of registered sources and calls the provider.Load method. IConfigurationBuilder.Build方法为每个注册的源构造提供程序并调用provider.Load方法。
  • Load reads data from the source and fill an internal Provider.Data collection (dictionary to be more specific) of key-value pairs. Load从源读取数据并填充键值对的内部Provider.Data集合(更具体地说是字典)。
  • This Data collection is then used by Configuration API when you need to get a value by key in your app.当您需要在应用程序中按键获取值时,Configuration API 会使用此Data集合。

When Configuration API creates the FileConfigurationProvider instance, it uses the value of FileConfigurationSource.ReloadOnChange property (false by default).当 Configuration API 创建FileConfigurationProvider实例时,它使用FileConfigurationSource.ReloadOnChange属性的值(默认为 false)。 If this property is true, then provider subscribes to "file changed" event (in ctor) to call Load each time when the file is changed (and so repopulate the Data collection. From github :如果此属性为 true,则提供程序订阅“文件更改”事件(在 ctor 中)以在每次更改文件时调用Load (并因此重新填充Data集合。来自github

if (Source.ReloadOnChange && Source.FileProvider != null)
         () => Source.FileProvider.Watch(Source.Path),
         () => {
                  Load(reload: true);

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