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我如何解释`cargo bench`的输出?

[英]How do I interpret the output of `cargo bench`?

I benchmarked my Rust project with cargo bench and see many numbers on the results... What do they mean?我用cargo bench对我的Rust 项目进行了基准测试,结果看到了很多数字……它们是什么意思?

2 tests
test bench_few_core ... bench:  26,249,920 ns/iter (+/- 2,836,381)
test bench_one_core ... bench:   6,087,923 ns/iter (+/- 752,064)

For example for test bench_few_core , I see:例如对于test bench_few_core ,我看到:

  • number 1 = 26数字 1 = 26
  • number 2 = 249数字 2 = 249
  • number 3 = 920数字 3 = 920
  • number 4 = 2数字 4 = 2
  • number 5 = 836数字 5 = 836
  • number 6 = 381数字 6 = 381

What do they all mean?它们都是什么意思?

I thought there should be 2 numbers per test: math expectation (or mean) and standard deviation.我认为每个测试应该有 2 个数字:数学期望(或平均值)和标准偏差。

The numbers are the median and the difference between the maximum and minimum , expressed using US-centric number styles (which use the comma as the thousands separator).数字是中位数以及最大值与最小值之间差值,使用以美国为中心的数字样式(使用逗号作为千位分隔符)表示。

For your example:对于您的示例:

  • median: 26249920 ns/iter中位数:26249920 ns/iter
  • max-min: 2836381 ns/iter最大-最小:2836381 纳秒/迭代
let median = bs.ns_iter_summ.median as usize;
let deviation = (bs.ns_iter_summ.max - bs.ns_iter_summ.min) as usize;

    "{:>11} ns/iter (+/- {})",
    fmt_thousands_sep(median, ','),
    fmt_thousands_sep(deviation, ',')

source code 源代码

Note that there's various statistical work underlying the benchmarking , most obviously the fact that the upper and lower 5% of samples are truncated to reduce the effect of outliers.请注意, 基准测试背后有各种统计工作,最明显的事实是截断了上下 5% 的样本以减少异常值的影响。

Your example does show the two numbers you expect per test: the median and total deviation (ie max-min ) in nanoseconds per iteration.您的示例确实显示了您期望每次测试的两个数字:每次迭代以纳秒为单位的中值和总偏差(即max-min )。

Note that for large numbers, it is standard practice in US English to write digits in groups of 3 separated by commas.请注意,对于大数字,美国英语的标准做法是以逗号分隔的 3 组数字书写。 For example, 26249920 is often written 26,249,920.例如,26249920 通常写成 26,249,920。

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