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[英]Split dataframe column containing iterable

I have a DataFrame with one of the columns containing some sequential data in a form of list or tuple (always the same length), my aim is to split this column into several new columns, ideally updating one of the existing columns. 我有一个DataFrame,其中的一列包含以列表或元组(始终相同的长度)形式的一些顺序数据,我的目的是将该列拆分为几个新列,理想情况下更新一个现有列。

Here is the minimal example 这是最小的例子

from pandas import DataFrame, concat

data = DataFrame({"label": [a for a in "abcde"], "x": range(5)})

  label  x
0     a  0
1     b  1
2     c  2
3     d  3
4     e  4

The fictional way, using nonexisting function splittuple would be something like this 使用不存在的函数splittuple的虚构方式将是这样的

data[["x", "x2"]] = data["x"].apply(lambda x: (x, x*2)).splittuple(expand = True)

resulting in 导致

  label  x  x2
0     a  0  0
1     b  1  2
2     c  2  4
3     d  3  6
4     e  4  8

Of course I can do it like this, though the solution is bit cloggy 我当然可以这样做,尽管解决方案有点麻烦

newdata = DataFrame(data["x"].apply(lambda x: (x, x*2)).tolist(), columns = ["x", "x2"])
data.drop("x", axis = 1, inplace = True)
data = concat((data, newdata), axis = 1)

  label  x  x2
0     a  0   0
1     b  1   2
2     c  2   4
3     d  3   6
4     e  4   8

Alternative even more ugly solution 替代方案更加丑陋

data[["x", "x2"]] = 
  data["x"].apply(lambda x: "{} {}".format(x, x*2)).str.split(expand = True).astype(int)

Could you suggest more elegant way to do this type of transformation? 您能否建议更优雅的方式来进行此类转换?

It is possible, but not so fast with apply and Series : applySeries是可能的,但不是那么快:

tup = data["x"].apply(lambda x: (x, x*2))
data[["x", "x2"]] = tup.apply(pd.Series)

print (data)
  label  x  x2
0     a  0   0
1     b  1   2
2     c  2   4
3     d  3   6
4     e  4   8

Faster is use DataFrame constructor: 使用DataFrame构造函数更快:

tup = data["x"].apply(lambda x: (x, x*2))
data[["x", "x2"]] = pd.DataFrame(tup.values.tolist())
print (data)
  label  x  x2
0     a  0   0
1     b  1   2
2     c  2   4
3     d  3   6
4     e  4   8

Timings : 时间

data = pd.DataFrame({"label": [a for a in "abcde"], "x": range(5)})
data = pd.concat([data]*1000).reset_index(drop=True)
tup = data["x"].apply(lambda x: (x, x*2))

data[["x", "x2"]] = tup.apply(pd.Series)
data[["y", "y2"]] = pd.DataFrame(tup.values.tolist())
print (data)

In [266]: %timeit data[["x", "x2"]] = tup.apply(pd.Series)
1 loop, best of 3: 836 ms per loop

In [267]: %timeit data[["y", "y2"]] = pd.DataFrame(tup.values.tolist())
100 loops, best of 3: 3.1 ms per loop

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