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可以在调用future.get()之前销毁std :: promise吗?

[英]Is it ok to destroy a std::promise before future.get() is called?

I was wondering if it is ok to call promise.get_future(), move that future somewhere else (eg into a vector) and possibly let the promise die before even the future.get() is called. 我想知道是否可以调用promise.get_future(),将未来移到其他位置(例如,放入向量),并可能甚至在调用future.get()之前让诺言死亡。 In the following example, the call gateway->refreshWithCallback executes the lambda in a thread so that the shared pointer may set the promise free even if in the second loop the future.get() was not called yet, which seems to work but I am angsty! 在下面的示例中,调用gateway->refreshWithCallback在线程中执行lambda,以便即使第二个循环中未调用future.get(),共享指针也可以将promise设置为free,这似乎可行,但是我好生气!

std::vector<std::future<bool>> futures;
for(GuiGateway *gateway : gateways){
    std::shared_ptr<std::promise<bool>> shared_promise_ptr(new std::promise<bool>());
    gateway->refreshWithCallback([shared_promise_ptr](bool success){

qDebug() << "waiting for futures";

for(std::future<bool> &future : futures){
    if(future.get() == false){
        qDebug() << "error retrieving all gateway data, aborting auto config";

If you provide a value to the std::promise before destroying it, the associated std::future will be able to retrieve it just fine. 如果您在销毁前为std::promise提供了一个值,则关联的std::future将能够很好地对其进行检索。 It does not depend on std::promise still existing. 它不依赖于std::promise仍然存在。 If you failed to provide a value to std::promise before destroying it, trying to get a result from the std::future will throw std::future_error but it is also well defined. 如果您在销毁std::promise之前未能为其提供值,则尝试从std::future获取结果将引发std::future_error但定义也很明确。

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