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[英]How to merge a 2 dimensional array into an existing array from inside a loop in php

I am having the following function, where I am getting list of ultrasounds for a given surgery by using 我具有以下功能,可以通过使用以下命令获取给定手术的超声列表

$hmo_claim_generate = new HMOClaimGenerate();
$services = $hmo_claim_generate->generateUltrasounds($hospital_id, $patient_id, "CONSULTATION", $id);

Below is the function itself which is part of a class file HMOClaimGenerate. 下面是函数本身,它是类文件HMOClaimGenerate的一部分。

    // Generate Ultrasounds
public function generateUltrasounds($hospital_id, $patient_id, $service_type, $service_type_id)
    $mysql = new Mysql();

    $hospital_id = intval($hospital_id);
    $patient_id = intval($patient_id);
    $service_type_id = intval($service_type_id);

    $sql = "SELECT ultrasound_id FROM ". TABLE_HOSPITALS_ULTRASOUNDS ." WHERE hospital_id=$hospital_id AND patient_id=$patient_id AND request_from_type = '$service_type' AND request_from_id=$service_type_id AND payment_type = 'HMO' AND fee_status = 'BILLED' AND fee > 0";
    $totalRecords = $mysql->rowCount($query = $mysql->query($sql));

    if ($totalRecords > 0)
        while($row = $mysql->fetchArray($query))
            $ultrasound_id = $row["ultrasound_id"];
            $services["ultrasounds"][$ultrasound_id] = $ultrasound_id;

    return $services;

And this is the output 这是输出

    [ultrasounds] => Array
            [102] => 102
            [203] => 203

Now inside the function below, I am calling the above function 现在在下面的函数中,我正在调用上面的函数

    // Generate Surgeries
public function generateSurgeries($hospital_id, $patient_id, $service_type, $service_type_id)
    $mysql = new Mysql();
    $string = new String();

    $hospital_id = intval($hospital_id);
    $patient_id = intval($patient_id);
    $service_type_id = intval($service_type_id);

    $sql = "SELECT surgery_id FROM ". TABLE_HOSPITALS_SURGERIES ." WHERE hospital_id=$hospital_id AND patient_id=$patient_id AND request_from_type = '$service_type' AND request_from_id=$service_type_id";
    $totalRecords = $mysql->rowCount($query = $mysql->query($sql));

    if ($totalRecords > 0)
        $count = 0;

        while($row = $mysql->fetchArray($query))
            $surgery_id = $row["surgery_id"];
            $services["surgeries"][$surgery_id] = $surgery_id;

            // Calling the function as displayed on top
            $ultrasounds = $this->generateUltrasounds($hospital_id, $patient_id, "SURGERY", $surgery_id);

    // Trying to merge the records from surgeries and ultrasounds into single array
    $services = array_merge($services, $ultrasounds);

    return $services;

Ultrasound here is a child or sub service falling under Surgery and I am trying to merge both the surgery and ultrasound into a single array but it has to be done from inside the while loop so that I can get the following result: 此处的超声检查属于儿童或子服务部门,我正在尝试将外科手术和超声检查合并为一个阵列,但是必须从while循环内部完成,这样才能得到以下结果:

    [surgeries] => Array
            [1] => 1
            [4] => 4
            [10] => 10
    [ultrasounds] => Array
            [102] => 102
            [203] => 203

Simple speaking I want to combine surgeries and ultrasounds in a single array called $services from where I can access the respective services such as 简单地说,我想将外科手术和超声检查结合在一个称为$ services的阵列中,从那里我可以访问相应的服务,例如


Please help me in sorting this issue. 请帮助我解决此问题。 Tried lots of things but nothing is working at all for now. 尝试了很多东西,但暂时没有任何效果。

Awaiting your inputs. 等待您的输入。

You can merge them using a FOREACH. 您可以使用FOREACH合并它们。

foreach($ultrasounds as $row){

foreach($surgeries as $row){

Where the variables ultrasounds and surgeries are the return from the query. 超声和手术变量是查询的返回值。

You need to get a single array from generateUltrasounds 您需要从generateUltrasounds获得单个数组

$ultrasounds = [];
while ($row = $mysql->fetchArray($query)) {
    $ultrasound_id = $row["ultrasound_id"];
    $ultrasounds[$ultrasound_id] = $ultrasound_id;

return $ultrasounds;

And then, in generateSurgeries , when you call generateUltrasounds you can do like you do for ['surgeries'] 2 lines above. 然后,在generateSurgeries ,当您调用generateUltrasounds您可以像对上面两行的['surgeries']一样进行操作。

while ($row = $mysql->fetchArray($query)) {
    $surgery_id = $row["surgery_id"];
    $services["surgeries"][$surgery_id] = $surgery_id;

    // Calling the function as displayed on top
    $services["ultrasounds"][] = $this->generateUltrasounds($hospital_id, $patient_id, "SURGERY", $surgery_id);

return $services;

You no longer need to merge. 您不再需要合并。 This code is not tidy at all, but it should solve your problem. 这段代码一点也不整洁,但是可以解决您的问题。

LE - If you are still not happy with what's inside $services['ultrasounds'] , you can do LE-如果您仍然对$services['ultrasounds']内容不满意,可以这样做

while ($row = $mysql->fetchArray($query)) {
    $surgery_id = $row["surgery_id"];
    $services["surgeries"][$surgery_id] = $surgery_id;

    // Calling the function as displayed on top
    $services["ultrasounds"][] = $this->generateUltrasounds($hospital_id, $patient_id, "SURGERY", $surgery_id);

$services['ultrasounds'] = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $services['ultrasounds']);

return $services;

which will merge all the elements inside ['ultrasounds'] into a single array. 这会将['ultrasounds']所有元素合并到一个数组中。

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