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How to merge a 2 dimensional array into an existing array from inside a loop in php

I am having the following function, where I am getting list of ultrasounds for a given surgery by using

$hmo_claim_generate = new HMOClaimGenerate();
$services = $hmo_claim_generate->generateUltrasounds($hospital_id, $patient_id, "CONSULTATION", $id);

Below is the function itself which is part of a class file HMOClaimGenerate.

    // Generate Ultrasounds
public function generateUltrasounds($hospital_id, $patient_id, $service_type, $service_type_id)
    $mysql = new Mysql();

    $hospital_id = intval($hospital_id);
    $patient_id = intval($patient_id);
    $service_type_id = intval($service_type_id);

    $sql = "SELECT ultrasound_id FROM ". TABLE_HOSPITALS_ULTRASOUNDS ." WHERE hospital_id=$hospital_id AND patient_id=$patient_id AND request_from_type = '$service_type' AND request_from_id=$service_type_id AND payment_type = 'HMO' AND fee_status = 'BILLED' AND fee > 0";
    $totalRecords = $mysql->rowCount($query = $mysql->query($sql));

    if ($totalRecords > 0)
        while($row = $mysql->fetchArray($query))
            $ultrasound_id = $row["ultrasound_id"];
            $services["ultrasounds"][$ultrasound_id] = $ultrasound_id;

    return $services;

And this is the output

    [ultrasounds] => Array
            [102] => 102
            [203] => 203

Now inside the function below, I am calling the above function

    // Generate Surgeries
public function generateSurgeries($hospital_id, $patient_id, $service_type, $service_type_id)
    $mysql = new Mysql();
    $string = new String();

    $hospital_id = intval($hospital_id);
    $patient_id = intval($patient_id);
    $service_type_id = intval($service_type_id);

    $sql = "SELECT surgery_id FROM ". TABLE_HOSPITALS_SURGERIES ." WHERE hospital_id=$hospital_id AND patient_id=$patient_id AND request_from_type = '$service_type' AND request_from_id=$service_type_id";
    $totalRecords = $mysql->rowCount($query = $mysql->query($sql));

    if ($totalRecords > 0)
        $count = 0;

        while($row = $mysql->fetchArray($query))
            $surgery_id = $row["surgery_id"];
            $services["surgeries"][$surgery_id] = $surgery_id;

            // Calling the function as displayed on top
            $ultrasounds = $this->generateUltrasounds($hospital_id, $patient_id, "SURGERY", $surgery_id);

    // Trying to merge the records from surgeries and ultrasounds into single array
    $services = array_merge($services, $ultrasounds);

    return $services;

Ultrasound here is a child or sub service falling under Surgery and I am trying to merge both the surgery and ultrasound into a single array but it has to be done from inside the while loop so that I can get the following result:

    [surgeries] => Array
            [1] => 1
            [4] => 4
            [10] => 10
    [ultrasounds] => Array
            [102] => 102
            [203] => 203

Simple speaking I want to combine surgeries and ultrasounds in a single array called $services from where I can access the respective services such as


Please help me in sorting this issue. Tried lots of things but nothing is working at all for now.

Awaiting your inputs.

You can merge them using a FOREACH.

foreach($ultrasounds as $row){

foreach($surgeries as $row){

Where the variables ultrasounds and surgeries are the return from the query.

You need to get a single array from generateUltrasounds

$ultrasounds = [];
while ($row = $mysql->fetchArray($query)) {
    $ultrasound_id = $row["ultrasound_id"];
    $ultrasounds[$ultrasound_id] = $ultrasound_id;

return $ultrasounds;

And then, in generateSurgeries , when you call generateUltrasounds you can do like you do for ['surgeries'] 2 lines above.

while ($row = $mysql->fetchArray($query)) {
    $surgery_id = $row["surgery_id"];
    $services["surgeries"][$surgery_id] = $surgery_id;

    // Calling the function as displayed on top
    $services["ultrasounds"][] = $this->generateUltrasounds($hospital_id, $patient_id, "SURGERY", $surgery_id);

return $services;

You no longer need to merge. This code is not tidy at all, but it should solve your problem.

LE - If you are still not happy with what's inside $services['ultrasounds'] , you can do

while ($row = $mysql->fetchArray($query)) {
    $surgery_id = $row["surgery_id"];
    $services["surgeries"][$surgery_id] = $surgery_id;

    // Calling the function as displayed on top
    $services["ultrasounds"][] = $this->generateUltrasounds($hospital_id, $patient_id, "SURGERY", $surgery_id);

$services['ultrasounds'] = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $services['ultrasounds']);

return $services;

which will merge all the elements inside ['ultrasounds'] into a single array.

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