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[英]Making changes to a copied array, updates the original?

I have an array of objects: 我有一个对象数组:

 let users = [{name: 'john', address: '10 king street'}, ....];

I copy this array via: 我通过以下方式复制此数组:

let usersCopy = users.slice(0);

Then if I do 那我做的话

usersCopy[0].name = jeff;

It also updated this on the original users array: 它还在原始用户数组上对此进行了更新:

console.log(usersCopy[0].name) //jeff
console.log(users[0].name) //jeff

I'm expecting to see: 我希望看到:

console.log(usersCopy[0].name) //jeff
console.log(users[0].name) //john

That's because [].slice() does a shallow copy, meaning you get a new array, but it doesn't clone the objects underneath. 这是因为[].slice()浅表复制,这意味着您将获得一个新数组,但不会克隆其下的对象。 Therefore, users[0] === usersCopy[0] , as they are the same reference to the same object. 因此, users[0] === usersCopy[0] ,因为它们是对同一对象的相同引用。

You will need to replace usersCopy[0] entirely. 您将需要完全替换usersCopy[0] For example: 例如:

usersCopy[0] = {...usersCopy[0], name: 'jeff'}

Which would create a new object with everything from usersCopy[0] shallow-copied into it. 这将创建一个新对象, usersCopy[0]所有内容复制到其中。

Edit: As noted below this answer is not correct 编辑:如下所述,此答案不正确

Here's an alternate way to create a separate array from the original so you can modify the clone 这是创建与原始阵列不同的数组的另一种方法,因此您可以修改clone

 const users = [{name: 'John', address: '10 king street'}]; const clone = new Array(users); clone[0].name = 'Jeff'; console.log(clone[0].name) //jeff console.log(users[0].name) //john 

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