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如何使用密码将客户从Umbraco CMS导入到Magento

[英]How can I import customers from Umbraco CMS to Magento with passwords

I need to import all the customers from Umbraco CMS with uCommerce to Magento store. 我需要将所有的客户从Umbraco CMS和uCommerce导入到Magento商店。 The problem I have is that Umbraco stores the passwords hashed using HMACSHA-256 algorithm, but Magento uses SHA-256 algorithm. 我的问题是Umbraco存储使用HMACSHA-256算法散列的密码,但是Magento使用SHA-256算法。

So, there is no way to retrieve raw passwords from Umbraco, only hashes. 因此,无法从Umbraco检索原始密码,只能哈希。 The only one idea I have is to change a Magento hash algorithm to the same Umbraco uses. 我唯一的想法是将Magento哈希算法更改为相同的Umbraco使用。 Is that possible? 那可能吗?

Did you do something similar? 你做了类似的事情吗? What can you suggest? 你有什么建议?

As mentioned in the comments, you can't (easily, at least) extract the passwords into plain-text and change over. 如评论中所述,您不能(至少轻松地)将密码提取为纯文本并进行转换。

One option is to have two separate password columns, legacy and new. 一种选择是拥有两个单独的密码列,即legacy和new。 Legacy holds the existing HMACSHA-256, and new holds the SHA-256 hash. 旧版保留现有的HMACSHA-256,新版保留SHA-256哈希。 When a user logs in, check the password against the legacy hash, and if it works run the password they've provided against a SHA-256 hashing method, store it in the new password column. 用户登录时,请对照旧式哈希检查密码,如果可以,请运行他们针对SHA-256哈希方法提供的密码,将其存储在新的密码列中。 Over time, your users will migrate the passwords over to your new hashing algorithm. 随着时间的流逝,您的用户会将密码迁移到新的哈希算法中。

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