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[英]Append to start of href tag

I'm looking to turn 我正在寻找转身
<a href="http://somelink.com/somepage">Some page</a> to <a href="http://somelink.com/somepage">Some page</a>
<a href="http://example.com?q=http://somelink.com/somepage">Some page</a>
using PHP. 使用PHP。 I'll have the HTML code of a random website so it's not as simple as using str_replace() 我将拥有一个随机网站的HTML代码,因此它不像使用str_replace()那样简单

I've tried Replacing anchor href value with regex but that seems to just erase my entire page and I get a blank, white screen. 我试过用正则表达式替换anchor href值,但这似乎只是擦除了我的整个页面,并且出现了空白的白色屏幕。 Can anyone offer any help? 谁能提供任何帮助?

My code: 我的代码:

$html = file_get_contents(htmlentities($_GET['q'])); // Takes contents of website entered by user
$arr = array(); // Defines array
$html2 = ""; // Defines variable to write to later

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadHTML($html); // Loads the HTML code displayed earlier
$domcss = $dom->getElementsByTagName('link');

foreach($domcss as $links) {
    if( strtolower($links->getAttribute('rel')) == "stylesheet" ) {
      $x = $links->getAttribute('href');
      $html2 .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.htmlentities($_GET['q']) . "/" . $x.'">';
} // This replaces all stylesheets from "./style.css", to "http://example.com/style.css"

echo $html2 . $html // Echos the entire webpage, with stylesheet links edited

To manipulate this with DOM, find the <a> tags and then if there is a href attribute, add the prefix in. The end of this code just echos out the resultant HTML... 要使用DOM进行操作,请找到<a>标记,然后如果有href属性,请添加前缀。此代码的末尾只是回显生成的HTML ...

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadHTML($html); // Loads the HTML code displayed earlier
$aTags = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a');
$prefix = "http://example.com?q=";

foreach($aTags as $links) {
    $href = $links->getAttribute('href');
    if( !empty($href)) {
        $links->setAttribute("href", $prefix.$href);

echo $dom->saveHTML();

$prefix contains the bit you want to add the the URL. $prefix包含要添加URL的位。

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