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[英]A href tag is not working

Strange thing happens, I have this code, on my wordpress site: 奇怪的事情发生了,我有这个代码,在我的wordpress网站上:

    <a href="www.google.com" target="_self" class="facebook" ><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/facebook.png"/></a>

The image is loaded, but is not clickable, I mean nothing happens when I click on it, what's wrong? 图像已加载,但不可点击,我的意思是当我点击它时没有任何反应,出了什么问题?

The link to my page is: http://toibz.com/ibz . 我页面的链接是: http//toibz.com/ibz Click on the "facebook" logo in the lower right corner. 点击右下角的“facebook”徽标。


 <a href="http://www.google.com"..


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