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[英]Fitting 3D data as Input into Keras Sequential Model Layer

I'm a newbie in machine learning and Keras. 我是机器学习和Keras领域的新手。 Actually I have worked with scikit-learn but Keras seemed a little bit more complicated. 实际上,我曾与scikit-learn合作,但Keras似乎有点复杂。 My problem is that I have some data in 3D and want to fit that into a Dense layer(I have also tried with Conv2D, and Conv1D layers). 我的问题是我有一些3D数据,并希望将其适合于Dense层(我也尝试过使用Conv2D和Conv1D层)。 What I did is as follows: 我所做的如下:

arr1 = np.random.random((30,2))
arr2 = np.random.random((30,2))
arr3 = np.random.random((30,2))
arr4 = np.random.random((30,2))
arr5 = np.random.random((30,2))
arr6 = np.random.random((30,2))

x_matrix = np.dstack(

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x_matrix, y_matrix, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)

from keras.models import Sequential
model = Sequential()

from keras.layers import Dense, Conv2D, Conv1D, Flatten

model = Sequential()

model.add(Dense(6, activation='sigmoid', input_shape=(6,2)))


model.fit(np.array(X_train), np.array(y_train), epochs=20, batch_size=1)#
score = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test)


And I'm getting the error at fit step. 我在合适的步骤遇到了错误。 The error is as follows: 错误如下:

ValueError: Error when checking target: expected dense_1 to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (20, 2)

And for Conv1D layer I tried this: 对于Conv1D层,我尝试了以下方法:

model.add(Conv1D(6, (2),  activation='sigmoid', input_shape=(6 ,2)))

And came up with the eror: 并提出了错误:

ValueError: Error when checking target: expected conv1d_1 to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (20, 2)

Conv2D seemed more complicated I probably would not need this as my input layer but with the below call I still had the same error. Conv2D似乎更复杂,我可能不需要此作为我的输入层,但是通过下面的调用,我仍然遇到相同的错误。

model.add(Conv2D(6, (2,2),  activation='sigmoid', input_shape=(20,6 ,2)))

ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv2d_1_input to have 4 dimensions, but got array with shape (20, 6, 2)

What I'm asking is: how can I fit fit such a data into a neural network with Keras? 我要问的是:如何使用Keras将这样的数据拟合到神经网络中?

First, you must understand what your data is and what you want to do with it. 首先,您必须了解您的数据是什么以及您想如何使用它。

Then you decide how to shape the data and which layers to use. 然后,您决定如何调整数据的形状以及使用哪些图层。

There are some important conventions, though: 但是,有一些重要的约定:

  • The first dimension in your data is the number of "samples/examples". 数据中的第一维是“样本/示例”的数量。 Since you created a shape (30,6,2) , you decided that you have 30 samples, and each sample has shape (6,2) -- This is why it's important to know your data and what you want to do. 自创建形状(30,6,2)以来,您决定拥有30个样本,每个样本都具有形状(6,2) -这就是为什么了解数据和要执行的操作很重要的原因。
  • X and Y must have the same number of samples. X和Y必须具有相同数量的样本。 So, if you have 30 samples in X, then you should definitely have 30 samples in Y as well, but it seems that your data considers it as having 20 samples. 因此,如果X中有30个样本,那么Y中也肯定也有30个样本,但是似乎您的数据认为它有20个样本。 See shape of target in the message: (20,2) <- this is the shape of Y. 在消息中看到target形状: (20,2) <-这是Y的形状。
  • The other dimensions are free, but: 其他尺寸是免费的,但是:
    • Dense layers will work only on the last dimension, leaving the others untouched: output shape is (30,6,units) 密集层将仅在最后一个维度上起作用,而其他维度则保持不变:输出形状为(30,6,units)
    • Conv1D layers interpret 3D inputs as: (samples, length, input_channels) , output shape is (samples, modified_length, filters) . Conv1D层将3D输入解释为:( (samples, length, input_channels) ,输出形状为(samples, modified_length, filters)
    • Conv2D layers need 4D inputs: (samples, width, heigth, input_channels) , and will output (samples, modified_width, modified_height, filters) Conv2D图层需要4D输入:( (samples, width, heigth, input_channels) ,并将输出(samples, modified_width, modified_height, filters)
  • The output shape of your model must match the shape of Y. And here, once again, you must understand what Y is, and make sure that you prepare your model to match it. 模型的输出形状必须与Y的形状匹配。在这里,再次,您必须了解Y是什么,并确保您准备好与之匹配的模型。
  • If at some point in the model you need to make your 3D data become 2D, you will need to use either a Flatten , a Reshape , a GlobalMaxPooling1D or a GlobalAveragePooling1D layer. 如果在模型中的某些时候,你需要让你的3D数据成为2D,你需要使用一个Flatten ,一个Reshape ,一个GlobalMaxPooling1DGlobalAveragePooling1D层。

Hint: use model.summary() to see the output shapes of every layer and also the final output shape. 提示:使用model.summary()查看每一层的输出形状以及最终的输出形状。

Hint2: first define clearly your data and your goals, then the shapes of X and Y, then the shapes of the model. 提示2:首先明确定义数据和目标,然后定义X和Y的形状,然后定义模型的形状。

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