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[英]How can I repeat calling a function until it returns None?

Suppose I have 2 functions 假设我有2个功能

Func<Id, Option<Employee>> FindEmployee

It returns an employee if the Id is found, otherwise None ; 如果找到该ID,它将返回一个雇员,否则返回None

Func<Employee, Option<Entry>> PromptPassword

It will open a dialog asking for password, if OK button is hit, it will return the user entry; 它将打开一个对话框,要求输入密码,如果单击确定按钮,将返回用户输入。 if cancel is hit, it will return None 如果取消被击中,它将返回无

I would like to have an elegant way to composite these 2 functions, basically I want to do: 我想以一种优雅的方式来组合这两个函数,基本上我想这样做:

FindEmployee.Map(emp => 
     while (true)
         var result = PromptPassword (emp);
         if (result.IsNone)
             return false;

         bool matched = result.Where(a => a.EntryContent == emp.Password)
                              .Some(r => true)
         if (matched)
             return true;

The end result is an Option You see, I want to keep prompting for password until the user enter it correctly. 最终结果是一个选项,您看到的是,我想不断提示输入密码,直到用户正确输入为止。 But using a while loop inside a Map is so ugly. 但是在Map使用while循环是如此丑陋。

It must have a better way to write this. 它必须有更好的方式来编写此代码。 can anyone give a hint? 有人可以给个提示吗?

Thanks 谢谢

define a function like this 定义这样的功能

bool Insist(Employee:emp){
  var result = PromptPassword (emp);
  if (result.IsNone)
     return false;

  bool matched = result.Where(a => a.EntryContent == emp.Password)
                              .Some(r => true)
     return true;
     return Insist(emp);


Then you can just go and 那你就可以去

FindEmployee(id).Map(emp => 
     return Insist(emp);

In F# I would probably express your algorithm like this: 在F#中,我可能会这样表达您的算法:

findEmployee |> Option.map (fun emp ->
    let rec loop () =
        match PromptPassword emp with
        | None -> false
        | Some a -> a.EntryContent = emp.Password || loop ()
    loop ())

The equivalent in C# would probably look as follows: C#中的等效项可能如下所示:

FindEmployee.Map(emp =>
        do {
            var result = PromptPassword(emp);
            if (result.IsNone) return false;
        } while (result.Where(a => a.EntryContent == emp.Password).IsNone);
        return true;

You could make use of the goto statement right? 您可以使用goto语句对吗? and then get rid of the while loop... 然后摆脱while循环...

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