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MITM 蓝牙 SPP 服务器

[英]MITM Bluetooth SPP server

I want to figure out the protocol between 2 Bluetooth devices (BT, no BLE).我想弄清楚 2 个蓝牙设备(BT,无 BLE)之间的协议。 I know they are using SPP as I can use https://github.com/eelcocramer/node-bluetooth-serial-port to connect to the slave.我知道他们正在使用 SPP,因为我可以使用https://github.com/eelcocramer/node-bluetooth-serial-port连接到从站。

I was wondering if I could do a MITM attack by emulating the slave so the real master connects to me and to pipe the data through to the real slave?我想知道是否可以通过模拟从站来进行 MITM 攻击,以便真正的主站连接到我并将数据通过管道传输到真正的从站?

Does such a tool exist or should I write one myself?这样的工具是否存在或者我应该自己编写一个?

Thanks, Sam谢谢,山姆

To answer my own question: YES, it is possible.回答我自己的问题:是的,这是可能的。 I successfully did a man-in-the-middle attack using btproxy .我成功地使用btproxy进行了中间人攻击。 I also used bdaddr to spoof the MAC address.我还使用 bdaddr 来欺骗 MAC 地址。

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