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Windows 8 上的蓝牙 SPP 设备

[英]Bluetooth SPP device on Windows 8

I've been banging my head against the proverbial wall trying to working out how to talk to a Bluetooth device that uses the Serial Port Profile (SPP) in a Windows 8 Metro-Style App.我一直在苦苦思索如何与在 Windows 8 Metro-Style 应用程序中使用串行端口配置文件 (SPP) 的蓝牙设备通信。 I'm starting to come to the conclusion that it's not currently possible, but was wondering if anyone else has been able to get this to work, or can think of anything to try.我开始得出目前不可能的结论,但想知道是否还有其他人能够让它发挥作用,或者可以想出任何可以尝试的方法。

There doesn't seem to be an API available to do this, but would it be possible to connect to a device at a lower level?似乎没有 API 可用于执行此操作,但是否可以连接到较低级别的设备?

According to a Microsoft rep, this is not possible in Metro:根据 Microsoft 代表的说法,这在 Metro 中是不可能的:

http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/tailoringappsfordevices/thread/0cb2a6c1-d1f1-4872-aa32-709acd90b94d http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/tailoringappsfordevices/thread/0cb2a6c1-d1f1-4872-aa32-709acd90b94d

It should be possible to write a custom driver to accomplish this, but that is significantly more of a challenge than writing a Metro app.应该可以编写自定义驱动程序来完成此操作,但这比编写 Metro 应用程序更具挑战性。

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