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[英]Scala Override Generic Method from a Trait

I have a trait definition like this: 我有一个这样的特征定义:

trait MyTrait {
  def dbService[M[_]]: DBService[M[_]]
  def appConfig: AppConfig
  def supervisorActor: ActorRef

I have an implementation of this trait that looks like this: 我有一个如下特征的实现:

    object MyTrait {

      def apply(system: ActorSystem, actorMaterializer: Materializer): MyTrait = new MyTrait {

        override val appConfig: AppConfig = AppConfig.load()
// Get the ERROR here saying Value dbService overrides nothing        
override val dbService: DBService[Task] = DBServiceT.asTask(appConfig.dbConfig)(scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global)

        override val supervisorActor: ActorRef =

My DBService trait looks like this: 我的DBService特性如下所示:

trait DBService[M[_]] {
  def allPowerPlants(fetchOnlyActive: Boolean): M[Seq[PowerPlantRow]]
  def powerPlantsPaginated(filter: PowerPlantFilter): M[Seq[PowerPlantRow]]
  def allPowerPlantsPaginated(fetchOnlyActive: Boolean, pageNumber: Int): M[Seq[PowerPlantRow]]
  def powerPlantById(id: Int): M[Option[PowerPlantRow]]
  def newPowerPlant(powerPlantRow: PowerPlantRow): M[Int]

I then have an implementation that looks like this: 然后,我有一个类似于以下的实现:

class DBServiceTask private (dbConfig: DBConfig)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends DBService[Task] { self =>



When I tried this, I get an error in my MyTrait object that says: 尝试此操作时,我的MyTrait对象出现错误,提示:

Value dbService overrides nothing

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? 有什么想法我做错了吗?

This signature: 此签名:

def dbService[M[_]]: DBService[M[_]]

describes something that can create a DBService for ANY type constructor M[_] . 描述了可以为ANY类型构造函数M[_]创建DBService的内容。 For it to typecheck it must be able to create all of: 要对其进行类型检查,它必须能够创建所有以下内容:

  • DBService[Task]
  • DBService[Future]
  • DBService[Array]
  • DBService[Option]
  • DBService[Ordering]
  • ...and so on ...等等

Since your implementation can only produce a value for a single M[_] ( Task in your case), you cannot have that signature. 由于您的实现只能产生单个 M[_] (在您的情况下为Task ),因此您不能具有该签名。

Your options include moving a type parameter to a trait definition, either as a type parameter: 您的选择包括将类型参数作为类型参数移动到特征定义:

trait MyTrait[M[_]] {
  def dbService: DBService[M] // also note that [_] part should not be here

or a type member: 或类型成员:

trait MyTrait {
  type M[_]
  def dbService: DBService[M]

The latter, however, might be a nuisance to use 但是,后者可能会给您带来麻烦

EDIT : You also have the option of specifying Task directly, of course: 编辑 :当然,您也可以选择直接指定Task

trait MyTrait {
  def dbService: DBService[Task]

val dbService: DBService[Task] is a value of type DBService[Task] , whereas you need to define a function that takes a type as "parameter": def dbService[M[_]]: DBService[M[_]] val dbService: DBService[Task]是类型DBService[Task]的值,而您需要定义一个将类型作为“参数”的函数: def dbService[M[_]]: DBService[M[_]]

I think you want your trait to look like this: 我认为您希望自己的特征看起来像这样:

trait MyTrait[M[_]] {
  def dbService: DBService[M[_]]
  def appConfig: AppConfig
  def supervisorActor: ActorRef

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